NEW YORK – It was in last year’s State of the Union address that President Obama announced an ambitious trade agreement negotiated behind closed doors with North American and Pacific Rim nations – the Trans-Pacific Partnership – that drew little attention.

Now, ahead of tonight’s State of the Union address, Secretary of State John Kerry has presented evidence that a plan originating with the George W. Bush administration to evolve NAFTA into a European Union-style confederation in North America between the U.S., Mexico and Canada has been put into overdrive with the Obama administration’s effort to obtain “fast track authority” to rush the Trans-Pacific Partnership through Congress with limited debate.   Continue reading “Kerry signals advance of ‘North American Union’ plan”

Bowdoinpic.jpgFox News – by Joshua Rhett Miller

U.S. history doesn’t make the grade at the nation’s elite liberal arts colleges, where students can dodge classes on America’s founding by studying electronic dance, movie animation and, at one school, a course on “The Rhetoric of Alien Abduction,” a new report finds.

The report — “Education or Reputation?: A Look at America’s Top-Ranked Liberal Arts Colleges” — found that within those top 29 colleges, not a single institution except for three military academies requires a “foundational, college-level course” in American history or government.   Continue reading “America’s top liberal arts schools skip U.S. history, report finds”

PodestaCNS News – by Susan Jones

President Obama has “warmed up” to using executive authority, and when he believes “he has the authority” to “make progress” without action by Congress, he will do it, White House adviser John Podesta told NPR Tuesday morning.

“But he doesn’t like to do this, does he?” the NPR host asked Podesta.

“Uh, I think he’s warmed up to it,” Podesta replied, laughing.   Continue reading “Podesta: Obama’s ‘Warmed Up’ to Executive Action; Will Use It for ‘Climate Change and Energy Transformation Agenda’”

The Reichstag Fire, a key event in the rise of the Nazi PartyConservative News and Views

What if I told you that the Health-care legislation we call Obamacare grantsObama the authority to create his own personal Army Corps in violation of the U.S. Constitution?

On July 2, 2008 Obama gave a speech that has been stricken from most internet and news services.  He said: “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national securityobjectives that we’ve set.” He went on to say: “We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.”   Continue reading “Obamacare Creates Unconstitutional Army”

obama destroying AmericaThe Last Resistance – by Dave Jolly

It should be obvious to everyone that Barack Hussein Obama’s sudden rise to power had to be orchestrated by some very powerful and wealthy people.  We can speculate who some of them are, but needless to say, Obama was not capable of pulling off political victories on his own.

So what was the purpose behind Obama’s push to power?  What was his real job that his puppet masters gave him?   Continue reading “Was Obama’s Real Job to Destroy America’s Moral & Ethical Foundations?”

Gun Owners of America

“[A] Pew poll suggests that illegal immigrants, if given citizenship, would vote for liberal, anti-gun candidates by an 8-to-1 margin.” – GOA’s Erich Pratt, commenting on Pew poll findings as reported in The Washington Post (7/22/13)

Next Wednesday, the House Republican leadership will announce a set of “principles” for immigration reform.  Supposedly, if these “principles” are not well-received, the House will shelve the issue for the remainder of the year.  Continue reading “The Next Big Gun Fight: Stopping 8 Million New Anti-gun Voters”

Outpost of Freedom – by Gary Hunt

Chapter I

In some research for another article (The Fourteenth Article in Amendment to the Constitution), I ran across a rather enlightening revelation.  It was, just 60 years after the Constitution, a clear and concise definition of just (and only) who the “We the People”, in the Preamble to the Constitution, really are.

Now, most of us will assume that any citizen of the United States is one of, “We the People”.  I must admit that until recently, I, too, believed this to be the case.   Continue reading ““We the People”, but, Who are We?”

History is a Weapon – by the Communist Party of South Africa

First published: during the ’eighties as a series of articles in ‘Umsebenzi’; later as a single pamphlet for underground operatives.


This is a pamphlet about the role of secrecy in solving the tasks of the Revolution. Secrecy gives us protection by starving the enemy of information about us. Secrecy helps us build a strong revolutionary movement to overthrow the enemy.   Continue reading “How to Master Secret Work”

Northeast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J. Hagmann

“Knowing about the terror threat to the Olympic games at Sochi is one thing. Understanding the threat and what’s behind it is quite another. There’s a very important back-story that no one is reporting,” stated this source. “Understanding what’s happening behind the scenes will put things into a certain perspective, and it’s a perspective from which nightmares are born,” he added.   Continue reading “Threats at Sochi expose “a larger agenda,” says intelligence source”

The Patriot Post 

Leave it to our “friends” on the Left to draw exactly the wrong conclusions from a given set of facts. Take gun control, for example. In Leftspeak, “gun control” – harsh restrictions on gun ownership – makes the world safe by removing guns “from our streets.” However, notwithstanding the dirty little secret that the Entitlement Class currently controlling the levers of U.S. political power wants to disarm the public en route to its ultimate goal of statist tyranny, scholarly studies like those published in economist John Lott’s book “More Guns, Less Crime” have conclusively shown that implementation of gun control laws is directly correlated – and strongly, at that – with violent crime rates. Further – as the title of Lott’s book also suggests – per capita rates of gun ownership are inversely correlated, again strongly, with crime rates. As another data point: The NRA notes that gun ownership is at an all-time high at exactly the same time the nation’s murder rate is approaching an all-time low.    Continue reading “Message From the Left: If You Buy a Gun, You Will Kill Yourself”

Slide1 Flu Vaccine is the most Dangerous Vaccine in the U. S. based on Settled Cases for InjuriesHealth Impact News Daily – by Brian Shilhavy

The last report issued in 2013 by the Department of Justice (Vaccine Court), for compensation made by the Health and Human Services for people injured or killed by vaccines, was released in December 2013, covering the period of 8/16/2013 through 11/15/2013. The report is available as a Power Point presentation here.

There were 139 claims settled during this time period, with 70 of them being compensated. So, just over 50% of the claims filed for vaccine damages were compensated during this period.   Continue reading “Flu Vaccine Is the Most Dangerous Vaccine In the U. S. Based On Settled Cases For Injuries”

ridiculous lawsuitsLast Resistance – by Dave Jolly

America has become a nation of people who are so entrenched in the idea that they are entitled to whatever they want that have lost all common sense.  And what do they do when they don’t get their way?  They scream, holler and file ridiculous lawsuits.  Not only are these lawsuits a waste of taxpayer dollars and court time, some of them are actually won due to liberal judges who also believe in global entitlements.    Continue reading “How Asinine has Our Legal System Become?”

Small Wars Journal – by David Shunk

The Worst Policy is to Attack Cities. Attack Cities Only When There is No Alternative.1

Sun Tzu, Art of War

Convinced that Hitler would employ whatever forces were necessary to seize the city [Stalingrad]…the sole function of the [Soviet 62nd & 64th Armies] was to lure combat ready German forces into the city…, sap their strength in the kind of street combat for which German soldiers were neither trained nor accustomed to fighting. By staying close to the German attackers and contesting every block, the Soviet soldiers deprived the Germans of the greatest advantages: firepower and maneuver. 2    Continue reading “Mega Cities, Ungoverned Areas, and the Challenge of Army Urban Combat Operations in 2030-2040”

Canada Free Press

Barack Obama doesn’t just have a pen and a telephone, he’s got a hammer and sickle too.

The battle lines of the promised Marxist Revolution are being perfected as we go about our daily lives,  and Obama’s hammer and sickle will drop on the Western world now that it’s 2014.   Continue reading “Obama’s Hammer & Sickle ready to drop on the Free World”

concealed.jpgFox News – by Joshua Rhett Miller

A national newspaper chain with nearly 100 publications and 1.6 million readers is considering building “state-by-state databases” on concealed weapons permit holders, according to an internal e-mail.

The plan, laid out in an email from a top editor at North Carolina-based Civitas Media, could be similar to a controversial project a New York state newspaper carried out in 2012 which included an online map that identified gun owners in two counties by name and address. Civitas’ database project was detailed in a Jan. 19 e-mail to newsrooms across the chain, which has papers in 11 states, including Ohio, Illinois and Pennsylvania.   Continue reading “Newspaper chain plans ‘state-by-state’ concealed weapon databases”