Copy of josey wales aint bullshittinBearing Arms – by Bob Owens

There’s a scene at the end of the animated film Despicable Me after the villain Vector’s master plan has gone horribly awry, and he finds himself on the surface of the Moon, with the Earth in the background. Realizing his predicament, he utters a short succinct phrase.    Continue reading “Connecticut scrambles for amnesty plan after realizing that citizens are refusing to register their “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazines”

signsupdateGrace Through Faith – by Jack Kelley

There are seven major prophetic signs of the Second Coming, and currently all of them are in some stage of fulfillment.  As in years past, I’ll list the seven with their primary biblical references and offer commentary from current events.   Continue reading “Seven Major Prophetic Signs Of The Second Coming”

130913-M-WY229-003NOLA – by Paul Purpura

Preparing to deploy to combat terrorism, Special Operations Marines and sailors again are undergoing certification training in urban warfare in the New Orleans area, the military has confirmed. The training began Tuesday and continues through Jan. 28, but the nature of the exercises was not released publicly.

Similar training occurred in August, months after U.S. Special Operations forces underwent training in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombing. That training wasn’t announced in advance and involved military helicopters appearing in the night over the French Quarter and Central Business District areas.   Continue reading “Special Operations Marines training in New Orleans area”

Lenin, Stalin, Obama, HillaryMilitia News – by Andrew Thomas

It is beneficial to remind ourselves periodically of the realities in the struggle between Constitutionalism / Capitalism and Marxism-Leninism. It is a continual struggle, whether we acknowledge it or not. And the enemy of America as a constitutional republic with a capitalistic economic system is Marxism-Leninism, whether it be characterized as communism, socialism, progressivism, leftism, statism, or liberalism (in its current state).

Historically, we can consider the birth of the fusion between Marxism and Leninism to be in 1917, when Vladimir Lenin first took power as the leader of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, later to be known as the USSR. Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Revolution that gave the world its first taste of socialism, established as Communism. He transformed the political philosophy of Marxism into his own brand, Marxism-Leninism. Here are a few of his famous quotations1:   Continue reading “In Their Own Words: Lenin, Stalin, Obama, and Hillary.”

CNS News – by Sean Long

Marxist leftists have prepared a nightmarish blueprint for American socialism in a new revolutionary “book of imagination.”

The new book, “Imagine Living in a Socialist USA,” was edited by Frances Goldin who praises “life-enhancing socialism” in the preface. The 281 page manifesto showcases 31 utopian essays written by dangerous criminals, prominent liberals, and self-described communists – all for just $10.11.   Continue reading “Cop-Killer, Communist, Terrorist Pen Nightmarish Blueprint for ‘Socialist USA’”

Leaked TPP Environment Chapter Shows Obama Betrayal of GreensThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Anyone who still believes that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is about “fair trade” should head over to WikiLeaks and read the latest draft chapter of the agreement obtained by the whistleblowing organization.

In a press release issued on January 15, WikiLeaks announced that they had obtained the “complete environment chapter” of the secret sovereignty-surrender documents masquerading as a multinational trade agreement.     Continue reading “Leaked TPP Environment Chapter Shows Obama Betrayal of Greens”

hagmann011714Northeast Intelligence Network – by Douglas J. Hagmann

A few days ago, I was given a gift of sorts. It arrived in a plain  manila envelope with no return address. Inside was a note that stated that I would know precisely what to do with the information this anonymous source provided. That source was indeed correct.

According to this benefactor of inside information, the electric bills  of certain companies for the next billing cycle and employee overtime costs for the next pay schedule will be particularly high due to the cost of operating shredders and paying people to use them. Continue reading “Shredding the layers of the ObamaCare onion”

Best Description Of Barack ObamaMilitia News – by Jack Wheeler

The O-man, Barack Hussein Obama, is an eloquently tailored empty suit. No resume, no accomplishments, no experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the economy works, no understanding of how the world works, no balls, nothing but abstract, empty rhetoric devoid of real substance.   Continue reading “The Best Description Of Barack Obama”

The Journal of History

Marianne Gieraths, Maiden Name: Kriesner aged 14 in March of 1945
Zoppot/Free City of Danzig Frantzius Strasse
Time: Evening on March 23, 1945
Place: World renowned Baltic Sea-side Resort Zoppot/Danzig

For several weeks had we been cooped-up in our Air-raid shelter in our house, several families, about 50 people, a variety of neighbors from across the street, or even those from further afield had kept us company because they did not have any other shelter, any adequate protection, sleeping facilities, electricity, food or water in their own homes.

Life was not easy for the many women, children and young girls in the last few chaotic months, as they had to cope with ever worsening war-situation on their own, with no fit and able men around to help, comfort and assist us.

The cruel war had claimed them and so we felt very vulnerable as we were facing the immediate danger of Soviet-Russian invasion. The daily air raids and ever closer and louder rumble of the Russian war-machine, bombarding us.   Continue reading “Never Ending Sorrow, Never Ending Woe!”

Anson Alex

A broken cell phone in a survival situation may seem like a useless piece of equipment at first.

Before you throw it out however, there are some important survival tools that a broken cell phone or smartphone can provide.

Let’s take a look a hypothetical situation.   Continue reading “How to Use Parts of a Broken Cell Phone as Survival Tools”