Sears - Photo by Belus Capital AdvisorsThe Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

Two of the largest retailers in America are steamrolling toward bankruptcy.  Sears and J.C. Penney are both losing hundreds of millions of dollars each quarter, and both of them appear to be caught in the grip of a death spiral from which it will be impossible to escape.  Once upon a time, Sears was actually the largest retailer in the United States, and even today Sears and J.C. Penney are “anchor stores” in malls all over the country.  When I was growing up, my mother would take me to the mall when it was time to go clothes shopping, and there were usually just two options: Sears or J.C. Penney.  When I got older, I actually worked for Sears for a little while.  At the time, nobody would have ever imagined that Sears or J.C. Penney could go out of business someday.  But that is precisely what is happening.  They are both shutting down unprofitable stores and laying off employees in a desperate attempt to avoid bankruptcy, but everyone knows that they are just delaying the inevitable.  These two great retail giants are dying, and they certainly won’t be the last to fall.  This is just the beginning.   Continue reading “What Recovery? Sears And J.C. Penney Are DYING”

Phantom Report

As Americans, we have learned to place a tremendous emphasis on our security, especially in the days subsequent to the September 11th attacks. Many of us, however, have very little knowledge of, or complete ignorance about the magnitude of destruction and annihilation that can be caused by Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). For those not in the know, it is sometimes called a transient disturbance, such as a short burst of electromagnetic energy. It may occur in the form of a radiated, electric or magnetic field or conducted electrical current depending on the source.   Continue reading “Is New York City Ready for a Dirty Bomb? – An Open Letter to All Utility Companies”

500595401001295640360noFreedom Outpost – by Janna Brock

In a shocking move that makes counter-terrorism measures worthless, the Obama Administration is working to secure the “resettling” of some 30,000 Syrian Islamists within the United States. Syria’s civil war has displaced thousands of people. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that thousands of Syrians need new countries of residence, and the International Rescue Committee is making sure this happens. With this, the IRC made the audacious statement through Vice President for Public Policy Sharon Waxman, calling on the “US and other countries to open their doors to vulnerable Syrian refugees and notes that resettlement must be an integral part of the humanitarian response.” Forget all counter-terrorism measures that are put into place for the protection of this country. The Muslim Obama Administration will make sure that Syrian Islamists have a new home in America, that no jihadi will be turned away.   Continue reading “Obama To Pave Way For 30,000 Syrian Islamists To “Resettle” In America”

nullify-obamacareFreedom Outpost – by Joshua Cook

Republican lawmakers led a rally to gain support for a bill that would essentially kill Obamacare. State senator Tom Davis (R – District 46) believes that not only will the bill pass, it will become model legislation for other states to eliminate Obamacare.

Matt Kibbe, President of FreedomWorks, said, “I’m honored to be at the South Carolina state house where the front lines in the fight against Obamacare is happening right now. We can nullify Obamacare, we can defund it, we can stop it, but it has to happen from the bottom up. It has to be done in states like South Carolina that is leading the fight. Already 36 states have refused to implement Obamacare exchanges. 21 states have refused to accept the Medicaid money. I’m asking other states to take on this fight after South Carolina succeeds to stop Obamacare in its tracks.”   Continue reading “South Carolina Expects to Pass Model Legislation to Gut Obamacare – FreedomWorks Asks Other States to Follow”

tennessee capitalFreedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Tennessee nullification legislation of Obamacare and all federal gun laws is being pushed by lawmakers in the Volunteer State. On one hand lawmakers are pushing new legislation, that if passed, would gut the implementation of Obamacare. On the other hand legislation that is an expansion of the 2009 Tennessee Firearms Freedom Act was introduced yesterday, which is designed to protect Tennessee citizens from Congress’ violations of the Second and Tenth Amendment.   Continue reading “Tennessee Nullification of Obamacare & All Federal Gun Laws Legislation Introduced”

robert-gates-gays-in-the-militaryLast Resistance – by Dave Jolly

Former US Defense Secretary Robert Gates has been getting a lot of new coverage lately over his book that criticizes the leadership of his former boss, President Barack Obama.  The Obama administration has been trying to downplay the accusations made by Gates in his book, but that’s typical for the White House.

Gates was first appointed as Secretary of Defense by former President George W. Bush in December 2006.  When Barack Obama won the 2008 election and was sworn into office in January 2009, he kept Gates on as Defense Secretary.  He retired as Secretary of Defense on July 1, 2011, opening the way for Obama to appoint a spineless little weasel known as Leon Panetta.   Continue reading “First the Gay Military, Now Gates to Head Gay Boy Scouts”

Obama Vows to Bypass Congress and Rule by DecreeThe New American – by Alex Newman

Sounding more like a third-world dictator than a U.S. president who took an oath to uphold the Constitution, Obama announced that he would no longer wait for Congress or legislation to impose his radical agenda to “fundamentally transform” America. Instead, in January 14 remarks about making 2014 a “year of action,” Obama declared that his administration would expand its rule-by-decree machinations through the use of even more anti-constitutional “executive orders” and “executive actions.” The radical plan, analysts say, is setting up a potential showdown of historic proportions with lawmakers and an increasingly outraged American public.   Continue reading “Obama Vows to Bypass Congress and Rule by Decree”

Canada Free Press – by Sher Zieve

On 14 January 2014, Dictator-in-Chief Barack Hussein Obama all but announced his dictatorship to the world.  At a Presser photo-op, Obama announced the irrelevancy of Congress when he stated firmly:

“One of the things I’ll be emphasizing in this meeting is the fact that we are not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help that they need.”   Continue reading “USA now under Full Dictatorship…Congress Continues 3 Monkey Policy”

OOW BARBearing Arms – by Bob Owens

Designed by John Moses Browning, the M1918 Browning automatic rifle came late in World War I, but didn’t see widespread deployment until World War II and the Korean War. It served until the early years of the Vietnam War, where it was superseded by the M60 GPMG.

Ohio Ordnance Works has made a name for itself reproducing a high-quality semi-automatic 1918A3 variant that is a near-ringer for the old war veteran designed by Browning.   Continue reading “This Ain’t Your Granddaddy’s BAR”

RoachMotel_1Freedom Outpost – by Lorri Anderson

Obamacare has heated this nation into an inferno. Debates, complaints, lawsuits challenging its unconstitutionality, and igniting a fury over many citizens loosing their vital lifesaving healthcare coverage. Many people, whether they be individuals, businesses, or doctors, are feeling overwhelmed and trapped by this detrimental monstrosity. People from all walks of life are being harmed by loss of insurance, life saving healthcare, loss of jobs, loss of hours on their jobs forcing them into part-time work, companies are being broken, and doctors are leaving the healthcare field in mass numbers due to this outrageous “law” enacted by political pundits in Washington that either can’t or refuse to read.   Continue reading “Ohio Constitution Stops Obamacare in its Tracks!”

Revolution FightMilitia News – by Dean Stephens

Our world is coming apart. The reactions to this are daily becoming more ridiculous. The reactions to this are daily becoming more serious. Are we in a repeat of the dichotomy once summarized “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times”?

Like this opening to the famous tale about the French Revolution with its anarchist extremes and brutal bloodletting, the world is reaching a crisis, and the world’s people are confused and angry. The dichotomies identified in that opening paragraph are being repeated today, “… it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity.” The rich are adamant that the world is perfect as it is. The poor are adamant that the world must be torn apart. Neither is right. Neither is wrong.   Continue reading “The Risk Of Revolution Grows”

The New York Times – by DAVID E. SANGER and THOM SHANKER

WASHINGTON — The National Security Agency has implanted software in nearly 100,000 computers around the world that allows the United States to conduct surveillance on those machines and can also create a digital highway for launching cyberattacks.

While most of the software is inserted by gaining access to computer networks, the N.S.A. has increasingly made use of a secret technology that enables it to enter and alter data in computers even if they are not connected to the Internet, according to N.S.A. documents, computer experts and American officials.   Continue reading “N.S.A. Devises Radio Pathway Into Computers”

Infowars – by Paul Joseph Watson

A trainee Sheriff’s Deputy posted a threatening Facebook message aimed at Cop Block, an organization which advocates filming police officers, in which the soon to be cop said that protesters should be exterminated in “gas chambers” and that he would beat them up “just for the sheer joy of it.”

“While its rare that we receive direct death treats, they must be taken seriously, especially when they come from someone with military training and is about to become a Law enforcement agent / Sheriff,” states a post on the official CopBlock Facebook page.   Continue reading “Future Cop Says Protesters Should be Exterminated in “Gas Chambers””

Revised History – by Al Benson Jr.

Writer Roy Beck noted, in an article back in October, 2009, on that: “Leaders of most of the nation’s evangelical Christians made a shocking endorsement of illegal-alien amnesty today in Senate testimony…Rev. Leith Anderson, president of the NAE, was invited by Senator (Charles) Shumer (D-N.Y.) to testify in favor of the Senate immigration chairman’s push to create amnesty legislation this fall. Sen. Shumer asked Rev. Anderson if many of his colleagues agree with his support for legalizing 12-20 million illegal aliens and increasing the legal immigration far higher than the 1 million a year current level…Rev. Anderson answered that there was no dissent in adopting the pro-amnesty resolution on the 75-member NAE board of directors. Zero dissent!” Not only that, the NAE doesn’t want to be bothered hearing any other viewpoints. Their minds are made up, so please don’t confuse them with any facts! So the entire NAE board of directors is in favor of amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. Charles Shumer is one of the most leftist members of the Senate, yet here he seems to be in concert with the NAE. That should tell you something–not about Shumer, but rather about the NAE (National Association of Evangelicals).   Continue reading “Evangelical Marxism–part three”

Washington Enforces the Surrender at Yorktown 1786Militia News – by Mike Konrad

If there is one extremely deceptive aspect of the American Revolution, it is that the Founding Fathers made revolution look easy. Since that fateful day, over two centuries ago, revolutions have ruffled across the globe, many claiming to follow in the ideals of the American Founders, or claiming to take their principles to a higher level. Almost none of them succeeded. None succeeded as fully. Quite often the result was a tyranny darker than the one overthrown.

So why did the American Revolution succeed so wonderfully?   Continue reading “Why The Revolution Worked.”