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Fighting the NY SAFE Act

It has been a pleasure serving New York shooters here at AmmoMan.com for the past decade. We’re sorry to report January 14 will be our last day accepting orders from New York customers. We will be forced to stop shipping directly to our New York shooters because of the New York SAFE ACT. At that point, the government will require face-to-face ammunition transactions, background checks, and a number of other intrusive steps.   Continue reading “AmmoMan: Attention New York Shooters!”

defazioLast Resistance – by Philip Hodges

Despite lack of evidence for global warming and its alleged environmental causes, we’re still supposed to believe in it. It’s the politically correct thing to do. If we don’t believe in it, then we’re “blathering idiots.” Here’s Democrat Representative Peter DeFazio from Oregon:

The Arctic vortex blast coincided with the return of Congress to Washington D.C., wind chills well below zero. Now, no surprise:  A number of my Republican colleagues who are died-in-the-wool climate change deniers and some of the blathering idiots on talk shows said, “Whoa, look at this! Arctic vortex proves that there’s no climate change. There’s no global warming. It’s all a hoax.”   Continue reading “Left Coast Dem: Global Warming Skeptics Are “Blathering Idiots””

Activist Post – by Heather Callaghan

If you don’t know what it is yet – that means it’s working. The secrecy, that is. But once Pandora’s Box is opened, there’s no putting anything back. It will go down in history as one of the worst, oppressive plagues to saturate the planet.

Like Spider Man trying to stop a train from going over with nothing but his strength and shooting threads; we are going to need all the Web we can get to stop the fast-tracking Trans-Pacific Partnership from running over us. Perhaps more aptly, it is a tangled web we’ll be left trapped in as prey if we do nothing.   Continue reading “No-Brainer Course In Derailing The Trans-Pacific Partnership”

Urban Combatives


The Oxford English dictionary defines vehemence as showing a strong and intense feeling of demonstrative aggression. This has also been referred to as your killer instinct or the Gemini principle and Sigmund Freud called your ‘It’ Factor. This intense source of energy exists in all of us and is indeed an essential piece of the puzzle that goes hand in hand with the combative mindset that then create the WILLINGNESS to step up and do what ever it takes to win the fight. Everyone’s access point is set at a variable level. What may trigger this instinct in some people may not be enough in others. Continue reading “W.E. Fairbairn’s Combative Concepts”

Canada Free Press – by Judy McLeod

Folk don’t need ‘the weatherman’ to tell them what it’s doing outside.  They can just look out the window.

If you live in a small town or village and want to know what Mother Nature’s up to 30 miles down the road, email or telephone someone you know—or with today’s technology, even someone you don’t know.

The weather has been the main topic of conversation for centuries.   Continue reading “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows”

Phantom Report

Source: SRI Express

Direct investment’ has been redefined and it is this direct directive by corporates that has forced Western political leaders to advocate military interventions of the immoral and unethical nature we see unfolding before us. All these compilations of war crimes, abuses etc are nothing but a sham to give a touch of ‘we did justice’ to the injustice taking place. The fact is military interventions are happening primarily for the economic interests of not the country invading by the corporate lobbyists who are waiting to land and plunder invaded nations. It is not foreign invasion it is corporate invasion that is taking place and national leaders/governments are getting eliminated for standing in the way of that quest.   Continue reading “Military Interventions are ordered by Corporates not politicians/Governments”

de blasio marxistThe Last Resistance – by Frank Camp

When I said we would take dead aim at the Tale of Two Cities, I meant it. And we will do it. I will honor the faith and trust you have placed in me. And we will give life to the hope of so many in our city. We will succeed as One City…Please remember, we do not ask more of the wealthy to punish success. We do it to create more success stories.” – New York Mayor, Bill de Blasio

With all the hubbub and negativity surrounding Obamacare, it seems that the Obama administration is going to try to make 2014 the year of income redistribution. Well, not quite. They’re going to make it the year on stoking the green fires of envy among the American people. However, this time, I’m not focused on Obama, but the mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio.   Continue reading “NYC Mayor Gives Us Frightening Glimpse Into America’s Future”

Revolt Against GovernmentMilitia News – by Donald Joy

America’s Founding Fathers spelled it out pretty clearly: The purpose of government is to secure the God-given, inalienable rights of men. They put that exact language into The Declaration of Independence.

They also spelled out, exactly, that when government becomes abusive, and “destructive of these ends,” it is mankind’s right and duty to alter, abolish, or overthrow it.   Continue reading “Would Americans Actually Dare Revolt Against This Abusive Government?”

New American RevolutionMilitia News

What am I talking about? The next American Revolution.

How much longer will people take what our own government is doing to us? For more than 30 years I have been saying, “If a foreign country was doing to us what our government is doing to us we would be at war.”

I am not going to re-cap all the things that the Federal Government has done to us, is doing to us and will be doing to us in the future but when will the American people reach the breaking point and take action? Our government is like a runaway train that is going to crash. It is just a matter of when, not if unless something is done.   Continue reading “A New American Revolution! When Will It Start? How Will It Start?”

Obama to Prevent "Dangerous" People From Owning GunsThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Once again, President Barack Obama has demonstrated that he considers his will to be the supreme law of the land and he alone will decide who is allowed to buy a gun.

In an executive “Fact Sheet” issued January 3 by the White House, the president purports to establish new guidelines for “keep[ing] Guns out of Potentially Dangerous Hands.”   Continue reading “Obama to Prevent “Dangerous” People From Owning Guns”


Debo Adegbile, President Obama’s nominee to head the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, wants U.S. judges to ensure “customary international law” is “the law of the land.”

Adegbile also was party to an effort funded by billionaire George Soros to push for a new, “progressive” U.S. Constitution.   Continue reading “Obama DOJ pick: Global edict ‘law of the land’”

PTR.jpgFox News – by Joshua Rhett Miller

From beat cops to cashiers to Gov. Nikki Haley, South Carolina’s newest gun manufacturer has received an “absolutely tremendous” amount of support since leaving Connecticut for The Palmetto State, according to the firm’s CEO.

Josh Fiorini, CEO of PTR Industries, formerly of Bristol., Conn., told FoxNews.com that the firm’s new facility in Aynor, S.C., remains a week away from production, but 11 local employees began sorting inventory on Monday along with a team of training personnel from Connecticut. The manufacturer of military-style rifles announced in April that it intended to leave Bristol following the passage of gun-control legislation after the shooting deaths of 26 people, including 20 children, at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown.   Continue reading “Locked & loaded: Gun maker finds warmer surroundings in South Carolina after leaving Connecticut”

Public Intelligence

The following guide was obtained from the website of the Jordanian Armed Forces Center for Studies and Lessons Learned.


msgowlTruthstream Media – by Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton

…because a natural food cooking process always involves treating genetically modified bacteria with penicillin, lye, a vat of acid, cryogenic freezing, silicon oil, and more lye…

Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) has become a very popular food additive over the past century, with Japanese scientists first isolating from seaweed for industrial purposes. The appeal, and danger, of MSG comes from the intense flavors of the free glutamate form of the non-essential amino acid, glutamic acid, which also delivers rapid stimulation to the brain and central nervous system when not in the bound form. These free glutamates have the tendency to overstimulate neurons to the point of cell death, while triggering an insulin response. More generally, MSG is used in food production to give cheap yet almost additive taste that arguably makes people crave more and more processed foods.   Continue reading “MSG: So Natural that It Only Takes GMO Bacteria, 17+Steps and a Lab to Make It”

keislerNortheast Intelligence Network- by Scott Keisler

If you are reading this article it is likely that you would consider yourself ‘awake’ and you may even consider yourself a ‘truther’.  You get your news from the alternative media and you pride yourself on being aware of what is going on in the world.  You know about the ongoing New World Order scheme and you aren’t embarrassed to say so.

That said, there’s a growing amount of information floating around out there concerning the New World Order – some of it accurate, much of it not so accurate.  I have noticed that much of the self-professing ‘truth movement’ is at the very least misguided, and unfortunately in many cases truthers are actually quite deceived.  I have often thought about why this is the case and in so doing I have noticed that there are several reasons why so much of the information I read regarding the New World Order is frankly so unreliable.   Continue reading “Choose Your Researchers Wisely”