karl_marx_hipFreedom Outpost – by John Risselada

It is overwhelmingly obvious to all paying attention that we are being governed by people who absolutely do not, share in the traditional values that once made this country great. The vast majority of people in this nation; however, still hold the ideals of individual liberty in very high regard as well as the fundamental Christian principles that were the driving force behind the creation of our government, and system of laws. People still believe our constitution should remain the law of the land, and furthermore; many people are becoming increasingly frustrated with the continuous usurpations of power by the current governing body. In fact, many people are fully aware that we are being governed by communists whose number one goal is the destruction of American sovereignty in favor of a global hierarchy in which we find ourselves subservient to the whims of global dictators. In order to overcome this we have to understand it for what it is, spiritual warfare.   Continue reading “Karl Marx Unmasked”

Senate Dems block amendment to restore veteran benefits by closing illegal immigrant welfare loopholeThe Daily Caller – by Caroline May

Senate Republicans were unable to stop military pension cuts when Senate Democrats blocked a vote on an amendment to prevent the cuts by closing a welfare loophole for illegal immigrants Tuesday evening.

The two-year budget deal brokered by Senate Budget Committee Chairwoman Patty Murray and House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, would cut military pensions by $6 billion over ten years, leaving some Senate Republicans scrambling to stop the cuts.   Continue reading “Senate Dems block amendment to restore veteran benefits by closing illegal immigrant welfare loophole”

U.S.-EU Trade Pact Accelerates Economic and Political IntegrationThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Negotiators in Washington, D.C. are working on a trade pact this week, and it isn’t the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

Representatives from the United States and the European Union are hammering out the details of a purported trade pact called the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP). Despite its name, this bundle of commercial compromises has little to do with trade and a lot to do with the slow transfer of sovereignty to bodies of globalists outside the United States.   Continue reading “U.S.-EU Trade Pact Accelerates Economic and Political Integration”

New America – by Alex Newman

In another spectacular embarrassment for the African National Congress-South African Communist Party regime ruling South Africa, media outlets around the world reported that the bogus “sign-language interpreter” who stood just a few feet from Obama at Nelson Mandela’s memorial participated in a brutal mob attack, complete with barbaric “necklacing.” The infamous ANC murder and torture tactic, publicly endorsed by Mandela’s second wife Winnie to “liberate” the nation, involves placing a gasoline-filled tire around a victim’s neck before setting it ablaze and watching the target die a horrifying death.   Continue reading “Fake Interpreter at Mandela Memorial Implicated in Brutal Murders”

Tenth American Center

A strand of fiber has a certain strength. It can hold a given weight or withstand a given amount of force before snapping. But when you take multiple strands and braid them together into a rope, you create something even stronger than the sum of the parts.

This is known as synergy, and we see it in many different settings. The U.S.A. hockey team that won the 1980 Olympics was actually not the most talented team. In fact, if you made a player by player comparison between the Americans and the Soviets, the Russians would come out on top in almost every matchup. Really, talentwise, it wasn’t even close.   Continue reading “There is strength in numbers”

James Madison Founding FatherMilitia News

A good place to start in determining how to enforce the Constitution is with the guy who’s commonly referred to as the “Father of the Constitution.” While there’s some debate that James Wilson was actually far more fitting of that title, Madison was obviously quite influential.

The essential question: When the federal government violates the constitution, what do you do about it?   Continue reading “James Madison On How To Enforce The Constitution.”

Freedom Outpost – by Karen Schroeder

Parents hate to see their kids treated like robots while forced to fit into the government’s definition of equal and successful. Surprise! Surprise! Parents want their kids to develop as individuals each prepared to follow his own dreams.

In a video (seen below) on Common Core, New York State PTA Education Coordinator Bob Aloise  supported calling Child Protective Services and charging parents with “educational neglect” for opting-out their kids from the curricula or testing.   Continue reading “Parents Threatened for Opting Out of Common Core”

Suarez class KY pics 096Taipan Magazine – by Randy Harris

The years following World War Two found every major military in the world looking to upgrade their current battle rifles. This was no big surprise, as many nations were still fielding bolt action rifles. The United States was the only country fielding a reliable semi auto main battle rifle in the M1 Garand. The Garand had performed admirably during WWII, but by the 1950s many new designs clearly eclipsed the Garand.   Continue reading “Battle Rifle Breakdown”

doctorsNatural News – by J. D. Heyes

Don’t look now, America, but another very predictable consequence of Obamacare is beginning to play out.

Not only are customers losing their insurance plans – the plans Obama said they could keep – but now, insurance companies are dropping physicians from coverage plans as well.   Continue reading “It’s not just patients; thousands of doctors now being dropped from Obamacare coverage networks”

Activist Post – by James White

Most of us realize that the Federal Government has claimed ownership of large portions of real estate across this land.  However, few of us probably realize what a stranglehold the Feds have on many states west of the Mississippi River.  The map below will quickly illustrate my point.  Continue reading “Own the Land-Control the Resources-Enslave the Population”

Activist Post – by Ron Paul

A week from now, the Federal Reserve System will celebrate the 100th anniversary of its founding. Resulting from secret negotiations between bankers and politicians at Jekyll Island, the Fed’s creation established a banking cartel and a board of government overseers that has grown ever stronger through the years.   Continue reading “After 100 Years Of Failure, It’s Time To End The Fed!”

Activist Post – by Joe Wright

Even though climate change has taken center stage in the nation’s environmental debate, the well-documented and persistent threats of factory farming continue to accumulate across the country.

Whether it’s the health effects of production and run-off from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (as well as associated conditions of animal cruelty), the deadly introduction of GMOs and associated toxins, harassment of family farms, or Big Ag’s undeniable control over regulatory agencies like the EPA, FDA and USDA, there might be no greater threat than that of poisoning our dwindling fresh water supply.   Continue reading “Big Ag Mega Farm Threatens Pristine South Carolina River”

New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

Sheriffs’ refusal to enforce unconstitutional federal gun control measures has garnered national media attention.

An article published Sunday, December 15 in the New York Times, reported declarations made by Sheriff John Cooke of Weld County, Colorado. The story reported that in speeches, Sheriff Cooke holds up two 30-round magazines, one he purchased before enforcement of federal restrictions on magazine size and one “maybe” purchased after the regulation.   Continue reading “Sheriffs’ Resistance to Federal Gun Control Acts Makes Major Media”

Consumer Reports

The number of children taking powerful antipsychotic drugs has nearly tripled over the last 10 to 15 years, according to recent research. The increase comes not because of an epidemic of schizophrenia or other forms of serious mental illness in children, but because doctors are increasingly prescribing the drugs to treat behavior problems, a use not approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). And a disproportionate number of those prescriptions are written for poor and minority children, some as young as age 2.   Continue reading “Are too many kids taking antipsychotic drugs?”

Photo from Wikimedia Commons.Capitol City Project – by Joe Schoffstall

INFORMATION NOT RELEASABLE TO THE PUBLIC UNLESS AUTHORIZED BY LAW: This information has not been publicly disclosed and may be privileged and confidential. It is for internal government use only and must not be disseminated, distributed, or copied to persons not authorized to receive the information. Unauthorized disclosure may result in prosecution to the full extent of the law.”

That is the warning at the bottom of every page of the 217-page confidential Obamacare Navigator training manual sitting online for anyone to come across –and as Watchdog.org reports, that’s exactly what someone did.   Continue reading “Confidential Obamacare Navigator training manual uploaded online”

Charleston Voice

Will you be one of those Americans on the list to be given advance notice of the US “Confiscation Day”?

ADDENDUM: Cyprus President’s Family Transferred Tens Of Millions To London Days Before Deposit Haircuts      Continue reading “List of 132 Names Released of Cyprus Elites and Companies Who Emptied Bank Deposits Ahead Of “Confiscation Day” for Commoners”

Bearing Arms – by Bob Owens

I really wish I didn’t have to write this post, but these execrable ”journalists” covering the Arapahoe High School shooting are giving me little choice but to confront their deception head-on.

As we now know, the shooter yesterday in Centennial, CO,  was an 18-year-old male. He was presumably angry with the school librarian (who was also the coach of the debate team). The shooter took the debate team very seriously, and there was some sort of  change in his status on the team, though it remains unclear at the moment whether he was kicked off the team, suspended from it, or merely demoted.   Continue reading “Lying to protect “the big lie” of gun free zones”