Wind energyEnd All Disease

“Every home in America can run on wind energy. In fact these units can be installed on existing power poles in rural areas, to catch the wind and send its energy back to the plant.”
– Raymond Green, Inventor

In 1913, Inventor Nikola Tesla patented a bladeless steam turbine that he claimed was the most efficient and the most simple rotary engine ever designed.  Due to a lack of high-quality materials, Tesla was never able to properly build his engine.   Continue reading “Tesla Technology: 5 Bladeless Turbines About To Revolutionize Energy Production”

Charleston Voice

Furious? Oh, really? You can be sure it’s feigned anger, and certainly no surprise to congressional oversight “watchdogs”. This transferring of US technology to foreigners has been going on unhindered for decades; certainly as far back at least from WWII Lend Lease. See: From Major Racey Jordan’s Diary (video). Apologies and resignations acceptable as restitution, and treason will go on unaffected or curtailed. American citizens lose on these two main theft counts – – economically and national security.   Continue reading “U.S. Furious With Israel After Sale of Advanced Military Technology to China”

Mormon Food StorageHerald Sun

TOWERING grain silos overlook the main highway in Salt Lake City at the Mormon church’s Welfare Square.

At grocery stores, there’s a whole section with large plastic tubs with labels that read “Deluxe survivor 700.” Radio ads hawk long-term supplies of food with 25-year shelf lives. And houses are equipped with special shelving for cans of beans, rice and wheat.   Continue reading “Mormon ‘survivalist’ food silos go mainstream”

U.S. President Barack Obama reacts to a question during his year-end news conference in the White House briefing room in Washington, December 20, 2013. REUTERS/Jonathan ErnstYahoo News – by

President Barack Obama, as signaled earlier in the year, signed an executive order on Monday setting federal civilian and military pay rates for 2014, and including the first raise for civilian workers in four years.

Military and civilian employees will get a 1 percent raise in the new year, consistent with the level laid out in Obama’s earlier budget proposal.

The order had to be signed before January 1 to allow federal agencies to update their pay systems for the new year.  Continue reading “Obama signs order for federal worker pay raises in 2014”

The Article V Convention ScamThe John Birch Society – by Larry Greenley

Article V convention advocates deceptively state that such a convention would be “limited.”

Col: MASON 2ded & followed Mr. Randolph in [criticizing] the dangerous power and structure of the Government, concluding that it would end either in monarchy, or a tyrannical aristocracy; which, he was in doubt, but one or other, he was sure. (Excerpt from Sept. 15 sessionJames Madison’s Notes on the Constitutional Convention of 1787)   Continue reading “The Article V Convention Scam”

TPP Repeats Lies, Deception, Denials of NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO (Video)The New American – by William F. Jasper

Every year we know that Lucy will entice Charlie Brown to try to kick the football. We know it is her plan to pull it away at the last second. But every time, year after year, we know that Charlie Brown will fall for the same old trick. He will resist at first, reminding her that he doesn’t trust her, that he knows she will pull it away. But she eventually gets him to trust her, with the same inevitable results. We shake our heads and say, “Charlie Brown, you’re so gullible.”   Continue reading “TPP Repeats Lies, Deception, Denials of NAFTA, CAFTA, WTO”

Canada Free Press – by David C. Jennings

The battle for freedom rages on was an opening line in the trailer for Return of the Jedi in 1983. Now the call from the wilderness is return of the Girl Guide and their pledge to God. Select British Girl Guide groups continue to defy the national organization by refusing to change the part of their pledge that says “to love my God”, and replacing it with “be true to myself and develop my beliefs.”

According to the Christian Institute the 37th Newcastle Guide Unit, who wants to give girls the choice of using either the traditional promise or the new version, has been told their membership will end at the end of this year if the choice is not withdrawn. This will affect all age groups – about one hundred girls.   Continue reading “Return of the Girl Guide and their pledge to God!”

An old prospector shuffled into the town of El Indio , Texas leading an old tired mule.  The old man headed straight for the only saloon in town, to clear his parched throat.  He walked up to the saloon and tied his old mule to the hitch rail.

As he stood there, brushing some of the dust from his face and clothes, a young gunslinger stepped out of the saloon with a gun in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other.

The young gunslinger looked at the old man and laughed, saying, “Hey old man, have you ever danced?”    Continue reading “The Old Prospector”

Missouri Congressman Exposes Dangers of UN Arms TreatyThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

With every new report of a madman opening fire on innocent people, President Obama takes advantage of the tragedy to redouble his efforts to disarm the civilian population of the United States.

One of his chief weapons in the war against the Second Amendment and the right to keep and bear arms that it protects is the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).The New American has covered the creation of the ATT since the time of its proposal.   Continue reading “Missouri Congressman Exposes Dangers of UN Arms Treaty”

America On The Destructive Path Toward OblivionMilitia News – by Michael Snyder

During 2013, America continued to steadily march down a self-destructive path toward oblivion. As a society, our debt levels are completely and totally out of control. Our financial system has been transformed into the largest casino on the entire planet and our big banks are behaving even more recklessly than they did just before the last financial crisis.   Continue reading “America On The Destructive Path Toward Oblivion”

Bill-WhittleMilitia News

If you say the “wrong thing” in America today, you could be penalized, fired or even taken to court.

Political correctness is running rampant, and it is absolutely destroying this nation.

Every single day, the mainstream media in the United States bombards us with subtle messages about what we should believe and what “appropriate speech” consists of.   Continue reading “Bill Whittle Exposes Political Correctness.”

fluorideNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

Things are heating up on the fluoride front as states and municipalities all across the country rethink their official water fluoridation policies. According to the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), some 16 pieces of legislation across nine states were introduced or passed just within the past year to protect the public against this pervasive poison.

In Utah, for instance, the Safe Drinking Water Disclosure Act was passed back in April, requiring that all shipments of fluoride chemicals coming into the state be accompanied by certificates of analysis detailing the presence of any outside contaminants. The law reportedly took effect on July 1, allowing local water utilities to end their fluoridation programs in the event that certificates are not provided.   Continue reading “Nine states propose 16 anti-fluoridation bills in 2013 to protect public against poison”