Dan from Squirrel Hill’s Blog

I ask you to please show this list to as many people as possible – and especially, to please show it to as many Obama supporters as possible. Sunshine really is the best disinfectant. I can’t stop Obama from doing any of these horrible things, but I can tell people about what he is doing. So please share this list with others on Facebook, Twitter, etc. Thank you. The short link for this is http://tinyurl.com/ku9vxug     Continue reading “Obama supporters will go hysterical over this well sourced list of 252 examples of his lying, lawbreaking, corruption, cronyism, etc.”

A legislative change taking effect in Germany this November allows parents to opt out of determining their baby's gender. The law is the first of its kind in Europe.Spiegel Online – by Friederike Heine

Germany is set to become the first country in Europe to introduce a third, “indeterminate” gender designation on birth certificates. The European Union, which is attempting to coordinate anti-discrimination efforts across member states, is lagging behind on the issue.

The option of selecting “blank”, in addition to the standard choices of “male” or female” on birth certificates will become available in Germany from November 1. The legislative change allows parents to opt out of determining their baby’s gender, thereby allowing those born with characteristics of both sexes to choose whether to become male or female in later life. Under the new law, individuals can also opt to remain outside the gender binary altogether.   Continue reading “M, F or Blank: ‘Third Gender’ Official in Germany from November”

lightworkersxm    Continue reading “Egypt Protests : Boston and Woolwich style : Pallywood comes to Egypt : Crisis Actors Caught faking Injury : Morsi is a gonner: Message from Egypt : This is the real news:”

Defence One – by Aliya Sternstein 

He works at one of the three-letter intelligence agencies and oversees construction of a $1.2 billion surveillance data center in Utah that is 15 times the size of MetLife Stadium, home to the New York Giants and Jets. Long Island native Harvey Davis, a top National Security Agency official, needs that commanding presence. His role is to supervise infrastructure construction worldwide for NSA, which is part of the Defense Department. That involves tending to logistics, military installations, as well as power, space and cooling for all NSA data centers.     Continue reading “The NSA’s New Spy Facilities are 7 Times Bigger Than the Pentagon”

Activist Post – by Christina England

Parents in South Africa are facing life in prison for the murder of their baby girl who died just days after receiving routine vaccinations. Baby A had received all her vaccinations on time. On September 25, 2012, when she was aged just five months, her parents took her to their local clinic, where she received a total of eight vaccinations before being sent home.   Continue reading “Five-Month-Old Baby Dies Just Days After 8 Vaccinations – Parents Are Charged With Her Murder”

Jim Stone Freelance

Thank the Holonet for making this one a reality. I have received a report from a tech saavy friend who does not get burned by garbage like this often. This particular piece of scamware hit his machine after he spent some time alerting people to developing issues surrounding Snowden. He is not an idiot that falls into traps very easily, so this particular piece of malware is quite a bit more aggressive than most.   Continue reading “An interesting new scam is affecting alternative news sites”

ENE News

Title: Detailed Analysis Results in the Port of Fukushima Daiichi NPS
Source: Tepco
Date: Aug. 16, 2013
h/t Fukushima Diary

North side of Unit 1-4 water intake channel (Highest Dose)

Reuters/Jose Luis GonzaleRT

Ohio state officials have announced they are running out of the drug used in lethal injections, a problem that is becoming increasingly common throughout the US, and potentially forcing authorities to consider new methods of executing prisoners.

A recent court filing indicated that Ohio’s supply of the sedative pentobarbital will be gone by the end of September. The filing does not specify what drug Ohio plans to use to replace pentobarbital with but a change is expected by October 4, according to the Associated Press.     Continue reading “Lethal drug shortage has states scrambling for new execution methods”

NBC Washington

Approximately 1,000 dead fish have been found floating in a pond at the National Mall, the National Park Service has confirmed.

Park Service employees spent Thursday scooping up the dead bluegills out of the Constitution Gardens pond into trash bags.

However, the number is not unusual for that pond, officials said, due to the construction and design of the area.   Continue reading “Hundreds of Dead Fish Found in Pond at National Mall”

Dr-Diane-HarperBefore It’s News – by N. Morgan

Too bad her conscience didn’t kick in until AFTER there were deaths. However, at least she is now. Not surprising, we knew these vaccines were apart of population control and destroying the family. The question is now, how do we convince the masses to stop giving them to their children? Dr. Diane Harper was the lead researcher in the development of the human papilloma virus vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix. She is the latest to come forward and question the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines.   Continue reading “Vaccine Maker Tells The Truth To Clear Conscience, 44 Girls Have Died Since Having Gardasil And Cervarix”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

It appears John Kerry has once more disembarked from the “Isabel” and was kind enough to share his latest incisive thoughts on the borderline civil war in non-coup’y, democratic Egypt. From the BBC.

US Secretary of State John Kerry is making a statement in Washington, calling the situation in Egypt “deplorable” and appealing for calm. “The United States strongly condemns today’s bloodshed and violence across Egypt,” he said.   Continue reading “John Kerry Chimes In, Calls Egypt Situation “Deplorable””

Common Dreams – by Jacob Chamberlain

Threatening to trigger a new—and possibly more devastating—nuclear disaster than the original or ongoing one at the Fukishima plant in Japan, a risky plan to remove fuel rods from a damaged reactor building could unleash an “unprecedented” level of radiation, according to experts, if things go wrong.

According to reporting by Reuters, the radioactive material within the fuel rods slated for removal are equivalent to 14,000 times the amount released in the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and the plan to move them “has never been attempted before on this scale.”   Continue reading “Dangerous Operation at Fukushima’s Reactor No. 4 Could Ignite “Atomic Chain Reaction””

vaccineNatural News – by Lance Devon

The Vietnamese Health Department is coming out and ending the use of hepatitis B vaccines throughout the entire country of Vietnam. The decision was made after three different families lost their babies after the precious young ones were inoculated with standard, proven hepatitis B vaccinations. The three babies died on July 20th in the central province of Quant Tri. The cause of their death is listed as anaphylactic shock. Officials from Vietnam’s National Expanded Program on Immunization reported that the vaccines were not expired, were properly stored, and were properly administered. Awkwardly, the chairperson of the program asked parents to “keep calm and continue vaccinating their children.”   Continue reading “Hepatitis B vaccine halted after 3 newborns die from system shock”