elysium-1The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

Elysium is a dramatic and dystopian vision of a post-apocalyptic Earth. The movie in not unlike the movie Hunger Games in which the majority of humanity is condemned to live in an overpopulated, diseased-ridden and violent planet.

The elite in Elysium occupy their orbiting paradise without want or illness, while today’s elite have massive underground structures beneath such places as Denver International Airport. While the rank and file of America is cursed with Obamacare, this dichotomy parallels the life extension technologies being employed by the elite in which our overlords, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Brzezinski and Soros are older than dirt but still keep enslaving humanity with youthful vigor as they have access to life extension technologies which emanates from transhumanism, the most evil application of science in our collective history. These overlords are Satan’s best emissary’s on this planet.   Continue reading “Conditioning Humanity for the Inevitable”

vinegar_health_benefits_scienceWake-Up World – by Sayer Ji

Anecdotes about the health benefits of vinegar proliferate wildly, as do claims by skeptics that it is nothing more than placebo medicine. So, what does the scientific evidence actually say?

According to a recent review published in MedGenMed titled, “Vinegar: Medicinal Uses & Antiglycemic Effect,” which set out to examine the scientific evidence for the medicinal uses of vinegar, folklore concerning vinegar’s discovery stretch back to the very beginnings of recorded history:   Continue reading “The Health Benefits of Vinegar: Real or Imagined?”

a.JPGInstructables – by aleutianwind

This is a larger version of The Solar Baby that was in another instructable i did a while back.  This one cooks better than the last one and can cook larger meals. It seals better and has better insulation. It has the curved back and pivoting sun finding system same as the Solar Baby.The hinged lid/reflector has removable pins and can be removed and inverted over the oven for a smaller stowage area which makes it good for RV ing  The size of your oven depends on the size of the tempered glass you have.   Continue reading “The “Solar Baby 2 ” Solar Oven”

turmericNatural News – by PF Louis

The benefits of turmeric, due to its active ingredient curcumin, have been demonstrated by modern Western medical research and centuries of empirical evidence from India and China.

The problem with turmeric’s curcumin is that it has a hard time getting past the stomach and into the small intestines where it can be absorbed into the blood.   Continue reading “Six ways turmeric heals your overburdened body”

Chinese MilitaryThe American Dream – by Michael Snyder

If you believe that China is our “friend”, then you have been deceived.  While U.S. politicians, the mainstream media and the U.S. military may consider China to be a “friend” and a “partner”, the Chinese see things very, very differently.  As you will see below, documents produced at the highest levels of the Chinese government make it abundantly clear that China considers the United States to be a mortal enemy.  Unfortunately, in the west we have naively assumed that if we opened up trade with China that they would want to be more like us.  Instead, opening up trade with China has allowed them to severely damage us economically while continuing to loudly denounce “western constitutional democracy” at the same time.   Continue reading “The Secret Document That Proves China Considers The United States To Be A Mortal Enemy”

Those who have been following the Illinois Concealed fiasco, have noticed that the following subject has been receiving a lot of questions and confusion.  The Illinois State Bar Association sent this explanation to their members.  This is a clear answer.

Businesses have to post a “legal” sign, not available yet.  Signs are already being posted around Illinois now anyhow.   Continue reading “Please check your guns at the door: Employer rights under the Illinois Firearm Concealed Carry Act”

radiationNatural News – by Mike Adams

The following is a first-person account of the attempt by the Japanese government to brainwash victims of Fukushima radiation poisoning into believing radiation would not harm them if they simply “smile.” Natural News is the first U.S. news source to publish this account in English. The name of the original author is Uwamae Masako, who now lives in Taiwan after escaping Fukushima and leaving behind many friends and family members.

As you’ll see below, the Japanese government’s Fukushima Radiation Health Risk Advisor uses a hypnotic, droning speech pattern to try to convince his audience of absolutely bizarre quack science beliefs like “people who drink aren’t affected by radiation” or that “laughter will remove your radiation phobia.”   Continue reading “Fukushima victim exposes Japanese government’s attempted bizarre brainwashing of radiation victims”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

We human beings have seemingly forgotten the old truth, “What we do to the Earth, we do to ourselves.” If that is true, and it is, then we humans will truly in very, very bad shape in the near future as this story from ENENews demonstrates. With dolphins dying up and down the East Coast in record numbers, now comes this story from Canada where Pacific Herrings are now dying off in record numbers as well, bleeding out from their eyeballs, faces, fins and tails. What may have caused this? Fukushima radiation? Has the BP oil spill and Corexit made it into the Pacific Ocean now? These mass animal die-offs going on around the world have been big news over the last several years and have poisoned our entire food chain; should this be blamed upon something other than mankind? Government officials were notified of this hemorrhaging shortly after the Fukushima catastrophe on March 11th, 2011 but they ignored it….Why? The story below.   Continue reading “Fish Bleeding From Eyeballs, Faces, Fins & Tails In Pacific Ocean & Canada”

obamacare, strikes,, and, forever, 21, cuts, employees, hours, Policy Mic – by Maggie O’Neill

The predictions and fears of the Affordable Care Act’s adversaries have begun to materialize, specifically fears that the law will encourage employers to demote their employees to part-time positions in order to evade federal health care requirements. Popular clothing company Forever 21 is the first of what might be many companies to limit its non-management workers’ hours to 29.5 a week, just below the 30-hour minimum that the ACA deems full-time work.   Continue reading “Obamacare Strikes, and Forever 21 Cuts Employees’ Hours”

vaccineNatural News – by Ethan A. Huff

(NaturalNews) When it comes to people smoking cigarettes, we all know how the federal government feels about this particular freedom — the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for example, has been pushing for graphic new warning labels on cigarette packs in the U.S. that remind users they could die from lighting up. But untold thousands of people die or become seriously injured every year from getting vaccinated as well, and yet the government provides no warnings whatsoever about the dangers of common vaccines.    Continue reading “If cigarette packs carry warnings about death, why don’t vaccines?”

CBN News – by Raymond Ibrahim

According to a report titled “Sisi to Pentagon: We will not turn back, sovereignty is a red line,” published in Watannewspaper (Saturday, Aug. 15 edition), Egyptian Maj. Gen. Muhammad al-’Assar has just issued a strongly worded letter to the Pentagon, on behalf of the Egyptian military council, saying, among other things, “We will not retreat from fighting terrorism; the military does not run, for the [Egyptian] republic has leadership, and our message is clear: we will not allow red lines to be crossed.”   Continue reading “Egyptian Military Warns Obama: ‘Supporting Terrorism’ in Egypt is ‘Red Line’”

Before It’s News – Susan Duclos

The Sakurajima Volcano, one of Japan’s most active volcanoes, erupted on Sunday sending plumes of ash thousands of feet into the air, in what is being called it’s largest eruption in decades. Reports state that the smoke plume eventually reached a height of 5,000 meters (approximately 16,000 feet), according to the Kagoshima Local Meteorological Observatory.   Continue reading “Massive Volcano Erupts In Japan- Sakurajima Volcano Eruption Largest In Decades”

Screenshot from pirateproxy.seRT News

The Pirate Bay has released a self-configured browser package, which allows users to skate around the anti-piracy censorship of certain governments. Now one can access TPB and other file-sharing websites blocked by internet providers in ‘one click’.

The team running the Pirate Bay (TPB) – one of the web’s largest file-sharing sites – has launched a special PirateBrowser that allows users “to circumvent censorship that certain countries impose onto their citizens.”    Continue reading “Pirate Bay launches easy anti-censorship browser”

Xinhua News

WELLINGTON, Aug. 17 (Xinhua) — Dozens of aftershocks have rattled central New Zealand overnight following Saturday’s 6.6 magnitude quake, as the capital of Wellington got back to business and South Island town of Seddon, where most of the quakes were centered, started its clean up.

There have been 44 quakes over magnitude 4.0 since Friday’s 6.6- magnitude quake, New Zealand government geological website GeoNet said.   Continue reading “Aftershocks continue to rattle central New Zealand”

Photo - Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., said the latest revelations in the NSA controversy came because "this is what happens when you have secret laws." (AP/Carlos Osorio)Washington Examiner – by ASHE SCHOW 

Rep. Justin Amash, R-Mich., an ardent opponent of the National Security Agency’s bulk private-data collection program, said the latest revelations in the controversy came because “this is what happens when you have secret laws.”

Amash’s comment appeared on his Facebook page and Twitter, condemning the NSA for, as reported by the Washington Post, violating privacy rules thousands of times and “accidentally” targeted Americans, something supporters of the program claim didn’t happen.   Continue reading “Justin Amash on latest NSA scandal: ‘This is what happens when you have secret laws’”