OBAMA: All countries are close allies!

Published on Mar 8, 2012 by DETORTV

Barack Obama and the US has a lot of close and strong allies in the world. And all small countries punches above their weight according to the president. From the show Detektor, Danish Broadcasting Corporation DR. Host is Thomas Buch-Andersen.

4 thoughts on “OBAMA: All countries are close allies!

  1. Pete and rePete climbed a tree. Pete fell down. Who’s left in the tree?

    Pete and rePete climbed a tree. Pete fell down. Who’s left in the tree?

    Pete and rePete climbed a tree. Pete fell down. Who’s left in the tree?

    Maybe I could get a job writing for his teleprompter? LoL, this rodeo clown is so managed it’s pathetic. This is also a clear demonstration of how his handlers believe the attention span and memory of the “little people” is no greater than 2 minutes. Thanks bullshit Detektor!

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