Flickr - Light Bulb - Alan CleaverWaking Times – by Arjun Walia, Collective-Evolution

Who is benefiting from suppressing scientific research? Whose power and wealth is threatened by access to clean and free energy? Who has the desire to create a system where so few have so much, and so many have so little?

It’s become extremely obvious, especially within the past few years, that Earth’s dependence on fossil fuels is not needed at all. Yet we continue to create war, destroy the environment and harm mother Earth so we can continue using the same old techniques that generate trillions of dollars for those at the top of the energy industry. Continue reading “Multiple Scientists Confirm The Reality of Free Energy – Here’s The Proof”

Ocean JunkUSA Today – by Kate Seamons, Newser

As far as first-person tales go, Ivan Macfadyen’s story of sailing from Melbourne to San Francisco is more than a little ominous. The yachtsman’s springtime voyage was broken into two legs, with a stop in Osaka in the middle; it’s a trip he made 10 years ago, but one that seemed unrecognizable this time around.

A decade ago, seabirds and fish surrounded the boat; this time, the air was empty, and in the 28 days it took to get to Japan, he caught just two fish.   Continue reading “Sailor’s discovery: ‘The ocean is dead’”

41_Class RoomAmerican Free Press

• Sinister global initiative under way to brainwash youngsters

By Victor Thorn

Former Montessori school teacher, investigative reporter Lisa Elkins has a warning for parents: A new school program conditions youngsters and their families to accept social controls that discourage ownership of private property and encourage corralling people into housing developments and urban areas.   Continue reading “Education Program Conditions Kids to Accept Gov’t as God; Parents Need to Get Involved to Halt Hijacking of Education System”

Stephen Lendman

Former Clinton administration Labor Secretary Robert Reich explained, saying:

“Of all developed nations, the United States has the most unequal distribution of income, and we’re surging towards every greater inequality.”

America’s 400 richest elites have more wealth than half the population. Jacob Kornbluth’s new documentary film “Inequality for All” examines disturbing truths.   Continue reading “America’s Economic Dark Side”

Breitbart – by KEN KLUKOWSKI

Gun rights return to the Supreme Court this year, challenging a federal regulation that resulted in a police officer’s felony conviction when he purchased a firearm for his uncle.

Bruce Abramski is a former police officer whose uncle wanted to buy a firearm. His uncle is a law-abiding person who can legally purchase, but since Abramski is a former policeman, there are gun shops where he can buy firearms at a discount. Thus, he decided to buy the gun for his uncle.   Continue reading “Supreme Court Takes Gun Rights Case on Convicted Policeman”

Brian Aitken (Source: State USA

NEW JERSEY — A man who hurt nobody, and technically broke no laws, was turned into a convicted felon and has had his life ruined thanks to New Jersey’s tyrannical gun control laws.  Almost five years later, and still fighting to clear his name,Brian Aitken makes a desperate attempt to get his son returned to him, whom he hasn’t seen in years.  And he needs our help.   Continue reading “Innocent man fights to get son back after having life destroyed by New Jersey gun control laws”

131019-abbas-cartoons-embed3The Daily Beast – by Patrick Hilsman

Arab cartoonists have always frightened authority and often paid a high price for doing so. When the famous Palestinian cartoonist Naji Al-Ali was gunned down in 1987, suspicion was raised against everyone he had satirized, from Israeli political figures to the PLO leadership. Syrian satirist Ali Farzat had his fingers broken by pro-Assad gunmen who kidnapped him in 2011 in retaliation for his caricatures lampooning Bashar al Assad.   Continue reading “Hani Abbas Extends the Vital Tradition of Political Cartooning in the Mideast”

Wall Street Journal – by By Drew FitzGerald

Internet users from Brooklyn to Philadelphia suffered slow to nonexistent service Saturday after equipment at a New York-area network hub broke down, disrupting service for several hours.

A spokesman for the Internet service provider Level 3 Communications Inc. said technicians were working quickly to fix the outage, which cascaded down to customers using Cablevision Systems Corp.’s Optimum service and Time Warner Cable Inc., among others.   Continue reading “Level 3 Outage Disrupts East Coast Internet Traffic”

Of Two Minds – by Charles Hugh Smith

The public sphere has been effectively stripped of everything but corny, irritatingly hammy political theater.

All we have left in the U.S. is a deeply impoverishing Political Theater of the Absurd. Policy, theory and governance have all been reduced to competing stage performances in the Theater of the Absurd. The actors are transparently given to farcical overacting in exaggerated dramas drained of meaning; they proceed through the cliched motions as if the audience hadn’t seen the same charades overplayed dozens of times before.    Continue reading “The Poverty of our Political Theater of the Absurd”

Muammar Gaddafi in 2010The Guardian – by Chris Stephen

Libya marks the second anniversary of the death of Muammar Gaddafiwith the country on the brink of a new civil war and fighting raging in the eastern city of Benghazi, birthplace of its Arab spring revolution.

Violence between radical militias and regular forces broke out on Friday night and continued yesterday, while the capital Tripoli is braced for fallout from the kidnapping earlier this month of prime minister Ali Zaidan. Federalists in Cyrenaica, home to most of Libya’s oil, open their own independent parliament in Benghazi this week, in a step that may herald the breakup of the country.    Continue reading “Assassination pushes Libya towards civil war two years after Gaddafi death”

Steve Lendman

Obama intends to nominate former Defense Department general counsel Jeh Johnson as new DHS chief.

He’s responsible for endorsing some of Washington’s most lawless policies. His rap sheet reveals great cause for concern. More on him below.

Post-9/11, police state terror followed. Obama expanded it.      Continue reading “War on Terror Advocate to Head Homeland Security”

Iranian man survives execution by hanging to be hanged again. 51352.jpegPravda

An Iranian citizen, convicted of drug trafficking, survived death penalty.

The 37-year-old offender was sent to the morgue, after he had hung for 12 minutes in the loop. The next day, morgue employees discovered that the man, who was officially pronounced dead, continued to breathe. The “executed” man was rushed to the hospital.   Continue reading “Iranian man survives execution by hanging to be hanged again”

(Treasury Department)Washington Times – by Stephen Dinan

U.S. debt jumped a record $328 billion on Thursday, the first day the federal government was able to borrow money under the deal President Obama and Congress sealed this week.

The debt now equals $17.075 trillion, according to figures the Treasury Department posted online on Friday.   Continue reading “U.S. debt jumps a record $328 billion — tops $17 trillion for first time”

Old Thinker News – by Daniel Taylor

“The stream will not permanently rise higher than the main source; and the main source of national power and national greatness is found in the average citizenship of the nation.” – Theodore Roosevelt

What should be expected of a citizen in a Democratic Republic? President Theodore Roosevelt delivered a timeless 1910 speech that sought to answer this question. Regardless of his politics, Roosevelt spoke undying truth in this speech. His words are shockingly relevant to our society today. As Roosevelt rightly stated; We – if our spirits are right – are the waters from which liberty and prosperity flow. Today, we must acknowledge that the waters have been poisoned; Poisoned by the natural tendencies of history, and by individuals seeking to push our society in a direction diametrically opposed to what our ancestors intended.   Continue reading “America’s Greatness Rises and Falls With the Character of Her People”

Motherboard – by Alec Liu

Just two weeks after the Feds shuttered the Silk Road, the notorious online drug bazaar, bitcoin prices have touched a five-month high—with a single bitcoin fetching nearly $156 each on Tokyo-based exchange Mt. Gox.

Bitcoin’s resiliency can no longer be denied, especially as the digital currency continued its ascendancy even against the backdrop of a US government in utter disarray. At the 11th hour of the crisis, President Obama signed a bill that ended the partial government shutdown and, more importantly, raised the debt ceiling, an arbitrary limit on the amount of money the country can borrow that would have been surpassed today. Continue reading “Why Bitcoin Boomed During the Government Shutdown”

Anti-War – by Justin Raimondo

We all get depressed, at some point or other: I’m sure even Pollyanna had her down moments. What’s troubling is that many anti-interventionists seem to be in a permanent state of depression: given the history of the past decade or so, the interventionist bias of the “mainstream” media, and the enormous resources the War Party has at its disposal, they have convinced themselves the cause of peace is practically hopeless, and that only a miracle can prevent the next major conflict.

The reasoning behind this kind of pessimism is specious. To begin with, human beings have free will: no human outcome is inevitable. There’s the theory that humans are hardwired for violence, and that it’s just “human nature” to engage in mass murder every couple of years or so: I don’t buy it. If that were true, we’d still be living in the Stone Age.   Continue reading “The Case for Optimism”

Pro Libertate –  by William N. Grigg

“We sleep soundly in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm,” wrote the late Richard Grenier decades ago. The murderous reality behind that oft-recited authoritarian aphorism – generally mis-attributed to Orwell – was made tangible on the morning of June 27 when at least a dozen L.A. County Sheriff’s Deputies traveled to Littlerock, California, a village of roughly 1,200 people about an hour northeast of Los Angeles, to attack an 80-year-old man named Eugene Mallory in his bed.   Continue reading “Rough Men Stand Ready to Kill You in Your Bed”

Marine Le Pen: EU will fall like the Soviet UnionThe Telegraph – by Martin Banks, Henry Samuel and Alex Spillius

The leader of France’s far-Right party has vowed that the European Union would “collapse like the Soviet Union” as she conspired to form what would be the most radical faction yet seen in the European parliament.

Marine Le Pen, buoyed by a weekend by-election triumph in southern France, criticised the EU as a “global anomaly” and pledged to return the bloc to a “cooperation of sovereign states”.   Continue reading “Marine Le Pen: EU will collapse like the Soviet Union”

winchester1Art of Manliness – by JEREMY ANDERBERG

From helping you find your way back to your campsite, to allowing you to find a missing widget under the bed, to providing illumination when the lights go out, to warding off a would-be attacker, there are few tools as handy and essential as the flashlight. And there are few tools that elicit as much affection and attachment. I think our British friends’ word for the flashlight – torch – gets right to the heart of the appeal. The flashlight is simply the latest iteration of the ancient need to carry fire in one’s hand.   Continue reading “Every Man Should Carry a Torch: A Primer on Flashlights”