Lew Rockwell – by Jack D. Douglas

All serious social analysts and more and more generally intelligent and knowledgeable Americans realize the danger of an Implosion of the vast U.S. financial Bubbles and debts leading to a more general social-political Implosion of of the U.S., a major social disintegration including warfare involving military, veteran and other guerrilla groups.

Soviet Russia Imploded very quickly after many years of growing stagnation from central planning and regulation and monetary-financial tyranny  and internal conflicts similar to what we have been experiencing for several decades, though they did not have the immense problems of debts and financial Bubbles that we have. Continue reading “The Great Risks of a Second U.S. Civil War”

Sgt Report – by MRH

China has mined approximately 8% more gold in the first eight months of 2013 than in all of 2012. So far this year China has mined 270.167 tons of the yellow monetary metal. In July alone China dug up an amazing 39.367 tons (annualized that equals 472.404 TONS). Where is it all going? Well, we know from Koos Jansen and Jan Skoyles outstanding work that most, if not all of it is going through the Shanghai Gold Exchange and into one of two vaults; either the vault at the People’s Bank of China or private individuals vaults in China. Not one gram is leaving the country.   Continue reading “China Gold & The New World Reserve Currency”

Paul Craig Roberts

Not that long ago government and free market proponents were at sword’s point, but no more. With little left in the private sector to rip off, the financial gangsters have turned to the public sector and put to work for them the free market economists’ advocacy of privatization. Governments themselves became part of the conspiracy once the politicians realized that looting public assets was an efficient way to reward their private benefactors.

We can see the entire picture in the David Cameron government’s privatization of the British Royal Mail. The prime minister has described the looting as “popular capitalism” even though the British public overwhelmingly opposes turning over the mail service to a profit-making enterprise.   Continue reading “Whatever Became Of Western Civilization?”

131010-camouflage-uniforms-teaseThe Daily Beast – by CAITLIN DICKSON

In 2004, the Army decided to scrap the two traditional camouflage uniforms that had long been used by the military—one meant for woodland environments, another for the desert—and claimed to have come up with a universal pattern that could be worn anywhere and blend in with any environment. The $5 billion dollar experiment with the universal pattern is over as the Army is phasing out the uniform after less than a decade of use. But many soldiers and observers are wondering why it took this long and cost this much to replace an item that performed poorly from the start during a period when the money could have been spent on other critical needs, like potentially life saving improvements to military vehicles and body armor.   Continue reading “The Army’s $5 billion New Uniform Already Being Replaced”

Breitbart – by BEN SHAPIRO

On Sunday, with throngs of veterans marching through Washington D.C. to protest President Obama’s closure of war memorials, the media focused on one man in particular: a random dude with a Confederate flag at the White House. In the apparent belief that they had found the conservative Professor Moriarty standing behind the current government shutdown, media members descended as one on the flagman:   Continue reading “Media Drool over Lone Man Million Vet March Protester with Confederate Flag”

LOC101413-protest.jpgBillings Gazette – by Ruffin Prevost

YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK — A grass-roots protest Sunday afternoon at the East Entrance to Yellowstone National Park was a study in contrasts, as environmentally minded nature-lovers joined Constitution-quoting small-government advocates in showing support for the park, and to demand a solution to the government shutdown that has dragged on for two weeks.

Despite temperatures in the low 40s and a sporadic drizzle, approximately 75 people gathered for a half-hour demonstration during which anyone was allowed to speak, and that concluded with a spontaneous singing of “God Bless America.”   Continue reading “Protesters gather at East Gate to demand reopening of Yellowstone Park”

Breitbart – by MARTHA MENDOZA, AP

From Silicon Valley to the South Pacific, counterattacks to revelations of widespread National Security Agency surveillance are taking shape, from a surge of new encrypted email programs to technology that sprinkles the Internet with red flag terms to confuse would-be snoops.

Policy makers, privacy advocates and political leaders around the world have been outraged at the near weekly disclosures from former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden that expose sweeping U.S. government surveillance programs.   Continue reading “Growing Backlash to Government Surveillance”

Truckers-Ride-For-TheConstitutionFreedom Outpost – by Suzanne Hamner, October 12, 2013

Day two of the Truckers Ride for the Constitution is underway. The latest information is the trucks made it into downtown Washington DC. Forty-eight bobtails with over 100 support vehicles broke from the convoy and went into the heart of the city to stage a protest. Hampered by rain, intervention from law enforcement and confusing reports from rogue truckers stymied turn out but the patriot truckers are there being cheered on by locals. The truckers have pledged to fully support the veterans.   Continue reading “Ride for the Constitution: Day 2 – Trucks Invade Downtown DC”

Washington’s Blog – by Carl Herman

As we documented here, Congressman Alan Grayson is correct that the Fed could cancel its own US national debt holdings of ~$2 trillion. This could begin public justice from how our current system transfers public assets into 1% private profits: currently conservatively estimated at $30 trillion held in tax-free offshore accounts, and satirized in South Park’s Emmy Award-winning episode on our bailing out the big banks with the catchline, “And it’s gone.”   Continue reading “And… it’s gone! The Fed and US could simply CANCEL all $5 trillion of intragovernmental debt”


All of the major internet organisations have pledged, at a summit in Uruguay, to free themselves of the influence of the US government.

The directors of ICANN, the Internet Engineering Task Force, the Internet Architecture Board, the World Wide Web Consortium, the Internet Society and all five of the regional Internet address registries have vowed to break their associations with the US government.    Continue reading “The US is losing control of the internet”

Washington Post – by Cecelia Kang

Google has made a fortune selling ads. Now it’s trying to put its hundreds of millions of users to work as company pitchmen, using the profiles, pictures and recommendations of ordinary people to endorse products and services across the Web.

After the policy takes effect Nov. 11, users who review a video on YouTube or a restaurant on Zagat.com could see their name, photo and comments show up in ads on any of the 2 million Web sites that are part of the company’s display advertising network.   Continue reading “Google to put user photos, comments in online ads”

TPPWake Up World – by Dr Matthew Mitchell

Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s Coalition looks set to sign off on the highly secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership later this month, but what will it mean for ordinary Australians?

What sort of “Trade Agreement” manages to both criminalise internet use and force coal seam fracking onto communities?   Continue reading “Australian PM Set to Sign Highly Secretive Trans-Pacific Trade Agreement, Undermining Domestic and International Legal Systems”

Washington Times – by Stephen Dinan

Immigrant-rights activists said Friday morning they are blocking buses in Tucson, Ariz., filled with illegal immigrants who are on their way to be being sentenced to jail and then processed for deportation.

The activists said those on the buses are part of Operation Streamline, which is designed to give illegal immigrants jail sentences before they are deported, as a deterrent to keep them from trying to reenter the country in the future. The activists, though, say the program circumvents due process rights.   Continue reading “Activists block buses, court to try to stop Ariz. deportations”

DeSmog Blog

Over 20,600 barrels of oil fracked from the Bakken Shale has spilled from aTesoro Logistics pipeline in Tioga, North Dakota in one of the biggest onshore oil spills in recent U.S. history.

Though the spill occurred on September 29, the U.S. National Response Center – tasked with responding to chemical and oil spills – did not make the report available until October 8 due to the ongoing government shutdown.    Continue reading “Over 865,200 Gallons of Fracked Oil Spill in ND, Public In Dark For Days Due to Government Shutdown”

Activist Post – by Anna Hunt

Last June, a story in the New York Times revealed just what type of working conditions are creating piles of inexpensive toys, decorations, electronics and other random household products made by the Chinese and sold throughout the world. There is seemingly an unending worldwide demand for cheap plastic trinkets, and the American economy has become a dumping ground for products made by slaves in other parts of the world.   Continue reading “The Holidays Are Coming … Time to Stock Up On Slave Made Goods From China?”

Activist Post – by Dylan Charles

Both a blessing and a curse can the information age be. There is almost no way to live in our modern world without falling into someone’s stream of ideas, willingly or not. Good, bad, bad, good … there is a sea of waves to surf on out there, some of us catching more than others.

‘News’ is broadcast almost everywhere in some format, and information repeating has become a core feature of the modern homo sapiens. You’re reading an example of this right now. Someone’s always chatting, gossiping, worrying, speculating, theorizing, analyzing and considering the events that bind us together. That’s what the news really is, a conversation we have as a group about what we experience as a group, a multiple of our personal communications.   Continue reading “Avoidance or Awareness – The Emergence of Truth in the Media”

Bloomberg – by Robert Langreth

Porter Adventist Hospital in Denver announced last year that Warren Kortz, a general surgeon on the medical staff, was the first in the Rocky Mountain region to use a technique known as robotic surgery to remove gall bladders through one incision in the belly button.

The operation, performed while the doctor sits at a video-game-like console, was “taking advantage of another breakthrough in robotic surgery” and is “easier on the patient,” the hospital said in a press release.   Continue reading “Robot Surgery Damaging Patients Rises With Marketing”