12 thoughts on “Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of Christian European ethnic societies

  1. What she is really saying is this–enforce Noahide Law 2 and put all believers in Jesus Christ to death…that is how “Jews are going to be at the center of that”–because the Talmud tells them so. After all, Chabad says they are collective gods, right?

      1. HAHAHA LOL! Throw her a piece of gold and I bet she’d even sound exactly the same! So many “fictional” characters resemble the chosenites in so many ways…
        Mr Burns(ambiguation burnbaum,etc) the evil, sadistic, money-hungry to the point of killing all of Springfield for an extra shekel power plant owner comes to mind.

    1. I’d like to see her get her reward in this world….. so I can watch…..and maybe even help her receive it.

      It’s strange to acknowledge it, but there are some people who need to be smacked across the head with a golf club.

      1. “… there are some people who need to be smacked across the head with a golf club.”

        LOL… Louisville Slugger would be my first choice, JR.

  2. And it’s NOT just her pushing the agenda ( many like her are out there ) There’s also Peter Sutherland at the United Nations dictating immigration/ refugee policy to our State Department. There’s some obligatory rule or law passed years ago and kept out of the media…It’s not always Ted Kennedy 1965 immigration reform or Ronald Reagan 1986…I wish I could name it…not Agenda 21 Rio 1992 Maurice Strong either.

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