Bear Attack, Man is trying to run away from attacking Bear: GoPro

Published on Nov 1, 2014 by mr.Gregor

It was a usual day, I decided tо cycle in the forest and to record my walk on the Gopro. To my great surprise, I met a bear, which hardly наброситься on me. Thanks God, I left alive due to the shots that thundered not far from that location!

4 thoughts on “Bear Attack, Man is trying to run away from attacking Bear: GoPro

  1. This is fake. From the moment he saw the bear last time and getting off the bike, bear would catch him before he reach behind the tree, and he can see him so it will cut through the wood, and bear have also good nose, so can sniff him also….

    1. I don’t know. It doesn’t look fake to me. I think you’re assuming the bear was actually trying to kill him. (it is possible that the bear was just chasing him out of his territory, or away from cubs?)

      Yes, you’re right that the bear could have caught him after he got off the bike, but when we do see the bear again, he’s just standing on the road and not chasing anyone. It seems to me like the guy got away because the bear wasn’t very motivated to kill him.

      That would be difficult to fake because there were no breaks in the footage (no editing that I saw)

  2. This is fake. Because the bear is a digital version. The way it moves and the color scales are way off. the physics just dont match between the bear and the surroundings either.

    Besides the guy gets on a bike, and almost immediately sees a bear running at him and never once says “HOLY F@CKIN SH!T”(or anything translatable to mean the same).

  3. Okay . . . if real, why didn’t the guy just climb up one of those trees? I’m sure the trees were thin enough he could get his legs and arms around. Yes, I know bears can climb trees, but if this guy had a GoPro, chances are he also had another form of communication, like a cell phone?

    Nowadays it’s better to go out into the wilderness with a partner.
    . . .

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