16 thoughts on “Beef to Washington – I90 Montana/Idaho Border Westbound.

      1. I hear you mary. With beautiful mountains & pines comes cold and snow, lots of it.
        I’ll stick with just enough cold to provide the chilling hrs. for the fruit trees.

  1. Living in a postcard gives one a sore neck, but it is worth it!! Bing was correct, the bluest skies you’ll ever see (were) in Seattle. Much closer to Mt. Rainier than the new shithole known as Seattle, the wildlife is still awfully pretty to live amongst. A garbage dump has brought several families of Bald Eagles to roost, if that is a good thing. They’re not like the skanks in Renton dropping medical waste, but they do look glorious soaring overhead on thermal updrafts.
    How far are you taking that beef? If you wind up near Olympia I’d love to buy you a coffee.

    1. Hi stew, just now read your comment, sorry I took so long to reply. I delivered just south of Seattle. Probably going to get a east coast load tomorrow, haul ass to New Jersey, Newark maybe, dont know yet.

    1. New truck is awesome Bill, pleasure to drive. Miles just seem to fly by compared to some of the trash I’ve driven.


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