Biden Administration Honors ‘Chestfeeding Month’

By Sandrarose

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The Biden administration sent emails to U.S. Customs and Border Protection employees to remind them that August is “National Breast/Chestfeeding Month.”

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “chestfeeding” is “a term used by many masculine-identified transgender people to describe the act of feeding their baby from their chest, regardless of whether they have had chest/top surgery.”

Masculine-identified transgender people are offended by the term “breastfeeding.”

Some email recipients complained that the Biden administration is focused on “woke” causes while not honoring the victims of the Maui wildfires.

According to Maui police, 115 people are confirmed dead in the wildfires on August 8. 388 residents are still missing.

“We can get the messaging on ‘Breast/Chestfeeding Awareness Month,’ we can get policy editing that refers to pregnant employees and migrants as ‘pregnant persons,’ what we don’t get is a flag action notification to honor the more than 100 people, and perhaps hundreds more that perished in this tragedy,” a Border Patrol source told Breitbart Texas.

“It never fails. When this administration has the opportunity to motivate the workforce with mission-related information, all the employees get is political messaging designed to demonstrate how woke they can go,” the source complained.

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