Bill Whittle: Ferguson and the Real Race War

Published on Aug 20, 2014 by TruthRevoltOriginals

Since the shooting of Michael Brown by a white policeman and the ensuing riots and looting in Ferguson, MO, Americans have been told, yet again, that there is an epidemic of crime against black people in this country. But is there really a race war, and if so, which side is actually waging it?

5 thoughts on “Bill Whittle: Ferguson and the Real Race War

  1. “Bill Whittle: Ferguson and the Real Race War”

    There is no race war, you twit, but I can see that you’re trying to inspire one by repeatedly claiming that one already exists.

    Thank God that Americans are starting to see through this nonsense, and are beginning to understand that we all share a COMMON ENEMY.

    You’re perfectly within your rights to hate me for being white (or hate anything you want to), but put it aside for now because we all have bigger fish to fry, and if we start cutting each others throats now, we’re the ones who’ll be fried. ALL of us.

  2. Right on Jolly Roger – Obama and more specifically Eric Holder have been trying to ignite the black people in this country to burn American cities down – they had to bus in provocateurs in order facilitate the amount of damage that was done to the people of Ferguson…..there is no mistaking it – Americans are under assault by this communist lead dictatorship that seeks only to destroy what is left of America after years and years of assault by this NAZI ZIONIST government. Americans must rise above these provocations by this horrid anti American regime that is operating out of Washington DC – district of criminals indeed……..

  3. What there is in this country is an epidemic of crime against 99% of the people in this country and it is inflicted by this de facto communist regime.

  4. Now if you really want to see what an a$$hole this Bill Whittle is, spend about a minute watching his “The Case for Israel” video, where he makes the “case” that Israeli genocide of Palestinians is justified.

    This guy is sick. Period! End of Story! (and I could not finish this other video it sickened me so much. Genocide is NEVER justified! Even the genocides in the Bible, which God knew the Israelites could never accomplish.)

    1. yeah DL, you beat me to it, went to check out his other vids and there it was, guess his real name is whittelstien. What a zionst brown-nosing kiss-ass! A normal person might say the cops are a problem, no matter what color you are, and touch on how we are all Palastinians now, but not this self important douche bag!

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