“I Don’t Answer Questions” Police / Cop Video Clips Compilation

Published on Sep 2, 2014 by Kenny Suitter

“I Don’t Answer Questions” Police / Cop Video Clips Compilation

Here’s a compilation of “I Don’t Answer Questions” police interaction cop video clips. Have you seen them all?

3 thoughts on ““I Don’t Answer Questions” Police / Cop Video Clips Compilation

  1. I think the interaction I had with another person over this video is a great example of the divide in mindsets.
    He said the guy choosing to remain silent unnecessarily escalated the situation.
    It was almost like he thinks our rights have already been won and you don’t need them when dealing with police.

  2. Excellent advice. In general, no one should ever talk to police, but I think there are occasions where a judgement call needs to be made on that matter.

    I believe that in most states, if not all of them, you can also be hauled into the police station for questioning, and they can hold you for up to 72 hours without making an arrest if they have reason to suspect you committed a crime, which suspicion can be supported by almost anything.

    If the cop is calm, and asks questions that don’t require that you give up important or sensitive information, it sometimes may be wise to play along as if you’re “cooperating” if you think it will get him out of your hair sooner.

  3. Fanf###ntastic advice. “Ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies.” . Wasn’t that a lyric from Lynyrd Skynyrd? Sounds familiar, possibly because it is sage advice.
    Don’t answer questions. Perfect response. Can’t be argued.
    Cops have no business intimidating anybody. They are/were designed to protect and serve, Barney Fife style. Somehow, they have morphed ‘olBarn into some sort of RoboCop/Terminator hybrid.
    Control the populace, at any cost!!

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