BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: “What I worry about is the breakdown of trust.”

4 thoughts on “BlackRock CEO Larry Fink: “What I worry about is the breakdown of trust.”

  1. I hate when $Billionaires suddenly turn into philosophers, counselors, so to speak, putting themselves out there to hold a moral compass up to our face, while the enterprises they advance have little morality. Coming to mind: BlackRock buying up homes by offering more than asking price, pushing other buyers to the curb and artificially driving up the price of real estate. Am I supposed to forget Fink’s company did/is doing this? He wants my trust? Larry, please spend a few centuries doing some soul-searching, maybe then we can talk TRUST.


  2. Trust is in the same basket as love & respect. They are EARNED! Usually over long periods of time. I have ZERO love or respect for these demons & I trust them even less!

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