Border Patrol agents warned of assassination attempts by Mexican cartels

Washington Examiner – by Anna Giaritelli

AUSTIN, Texas — The Border Patrol issued an internal warning to agents stationed in South Texas that they may be the targets of assassination attempts by Mexican cartel members.

Border Patrol’s Rio Grande Valley region sent personnel an alert this week, obtained by the Washington Examiner, disclosing that its operations center had received information about possible cartel violence against U.S. law enforcement near Fronton, Texas, a tiny town of 200 residents about 50 miles west of McAllen, Texas.

“Information stated that cartel groups were discussing killing U.S. law enforcement personnel along the border near Fronton, Texas, between Miguel Aleman and Los Guerra, Tamaulipas, Mexico,” the alert states.

The above photo contains notes from U.S. Border Patrol about a situational awareness alert.

A second CBP official confirmed the legitimacy of the document and said the Fronton area is a high-traffic area for drug smuggling as it is just across the Rio Grande from Miguel Aleman, one of the more dangerous cities in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas.

Rio Grande Valley officials urged agents to wear ballistic armor, carry long-arm guns, and work in groups when directly on the border.

Since September, agents in the Rio Grande Valley have been shot at four times from the Mexican side of the border, including three incidents in Fronton and one in Weslaco.

In October, the Texas Department of Public Safety said Mexican cartel members dressed in military-like outfits and toting AK-47 rifles had been taunting U.S. soldiers assigned to the southern border, an unprecedented act of aggression.

“What’s been happening actually this past week is we see a group of individuals that are coming across — they’re smuggling people — but what they’re doing is they come across the river into the U.S. and smuggle people, they go back into Mexico, and they get their weapons,” Texas DPS spokesman Lt. Christopher Olivarez said.

2 thoughts on “Border Patrol agents warned of assassination attempts by Mexican cartels

  1. Well I guess border patrol doesn’t wanna volunteer to go to Ukraine since they have countless border problems and their own war here in their own country.

    Oh wait, according to Joey there’s no problem at the border. The people crossing are just merely “refugees” with armed cartel escorts.


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