Bracken: Coward Comey Takes a Dive

Western Rifle Shooters – by Matt Bracken

The FBI today officially becoming a willing Soviet-Stasi stooge and tool, even if under duress, brings home how fast things can change in a volatile political environment. I judge 2016 as being as dangerous as 1860 or 1913. In European terms, a “Night of Long Knives” is now not an impossibility. Fast and Furious (300+ dead, no repercussions, media holding) emboldened them to betray Benghazi station, to write it off and lie about it, (no repercussions, media holding). Now the perception, real or imagined, is that even the FBI has been forced to toe the party line.  

No spin can erase this. Bill Clinton meets Loretta Lynch in the “secret” Godfather tarmac rendezvous, then the FBI director damns but refuses to pursue Hillary. Loretta Lynch, who worked for the Clinton’s law firm, before Bill appointed her US Attorney in New York, which set her up to become Attorney General, which Obama appointed her for. Obama, who appointed FBI Director James Comey. Director Comey, who just made the FBI case to send her up for life, and then, blinking “t-o-r-t-u-r-e”, Honest Jim said, “but…she skates anyway.” The intended and received message to the masses is that the gangsters are now firmly in charge, and nobody can or will stop them. They have all the power. Even the backing of the liberal media.

Now, any FLEAs or so-called “rogue” Federal Social Justice Warrior Agents (of secret as-yet unannounced new directorates) will feel free to act in a similar manner as the Special Training Unit in my first novel. They have all just been given the loudest dog whistle since the last Night of Long Knives. They will feel free to enact the craziest edicts. They will be off the leash.

Team Tyranny knows they have the Congress castrated, the SCOTUS in their pocket, FBI ditto – DOJ, are you kidding? And if Hillary wins and they get more Supremes, they just retire the trophy for a century – they own it all. Nothing can touch them. Nothing can stop them.

They got away with Fast and Furious, 300+ dead, on purpose, to discredit the 2nd Amendment. Two were American FLEAs, most of the rest were Mexicans. And possibly the AK-47s from the Istanbul airport massacre were from F&F. The FBI/ATF investigation is pending. Don’t hold your breath. It’s in line behind Fast and Furious, and the IRS investigations. And they are working them very hard.

After July 5th, 2016, and the Soviet-style forced humiliation of the FBI director, bad actors at all levels of the government will feel emboldened. Expect armed EPA Special Action Teams to take over ranches over a puddle which was mismanaged according to the EPA. Imagine the craziest things, like the second term of Hugo Chavez. Imagine them steering violent anarchists and Leftists at the conventions as their surrogate Brown Shirts. This is a very dangerous time, just on the basis of actions that can be expected from the Left.

But this is also a very dangerous time for another reason, because Team Freedom will now feel, with the FBI’s forced humiliation, that they have just been given the official “your Republic is dead, we killed it, and whatcha gonna do about it?” gauntlet-face-slapping. Big Gov has now made it official. “You are my slave, and we are your overlords. We will run this country any way we want. We’ll flood it with ‘Syrian refuges’ if we want to. We’ll send a hundred “Syrians” with drug-resistant TB right to your town, just for you being a pain in our ass. We dare you to try something, punk. We double-dog dare you. Look over there, even the FBI Director is our bitch: did you see him rolling on his back, begging? The FBI is our bitch, and all of our FLEAs are just waiting to tear you an asshole if you get froggy about your ‘Republic’. Didn’t you hear? There are now more armed FLEAs than there are United States Marines.”

But that’s a terrible misperception on the part of Team Tyranny, because they are unaware that most of the FLEAs actually despise them, or even privately consider them to be traitors. Even so, Team Tyranny will be able to engineer the conditions for a terrible civil war. Think of Lenin and “The worse, the better.” I recommend reading my short story “What I Saw At the Coup” concerning how quickly conditions might change over coming months.

That’s how I see it in July 2016, after the FBI director’s show-press-conference dictated teleprompter humiliation.

I repeat: 2016 could be 1860, or 1913. Plan accordingly.

Bracken: Coward Comey Takes a Dive

4 thoughts on “Bracken: Coward Comey Takes a Dive

  1. Truer words have never been spoken

    Keep your blades bright and your powder dry, we’ll be needing them soon…..

  2. The fbi has never been “forced” to commit any crimes against US. They’ve been doing it from their inception, just like the cia. The only thing cowardly they do is to commit their treason under false pretense and wrap it in the cloak of victim status or the stupid and inept card. They know and have known EXACTLY what they’re doing.

    1. Exactly. No one ‘forced’ them to go make rounds – IMMEDIATELY – and confiscate every single camera they could find on 9/11 – and then bury them.

  3. *** The FBI today officially becoming a willing Soviet-Stasi stooge and tool, even if under duress, brings home how fast things can change in a volatile political environment. ***

    Bracken makes it sound as if FBI corruption is something new. Hello? Ever hear of J. Edgar Hoover? Or how about Fascists Burning Infants at Waco? The surveillance and harassment of anti-war activists? How about the FBI’s Next Generation Identification biometrics database? Volumes could be written about the FBI’s assaults on freedom.

    Also, since when are the FBI’s evil deeds performed under duress? Is it not true that agents willingly apply for the job and are capable of quitting at will?

    *** But that’s a terrible misperception on the part of Team Tyranny, because they are unaware that most of the FLEAs actually despise them, or even privately consider them to be traitors. ***

    BULLSH1T. The Fedcoats are central part of “Team Tyranny.” If, as Bracken claims, they view big government politicians as traitors, then WHY do the Fedcoats continue to do their bidding? Why not quit and find honest work — or, even better, pull a Snowden and help the Liberty Movement from the inside?

    Incidentally, while WRSA has some good people posting there, I seem to recall that it also has a lot of neocon/Zionist stooges who drink the Kool-Aid about “radical Islam” (“They want to impose sharia law! Oh nooooes!”) and “not all cops are bad” types. Correct me if I’m wrong. Any such people need to pull their heads out of their asses ASAFP and learn to properly identify the enemy.

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