BREAKING NEWS: DARPA Unclassified documents confirm SARS-CoV-2 was created by EcoHealth Alliance at the Wuhan Institute of Virology coordinated by Peter Daszak. It was designed to be deliberately virulent and humanized resulting in 6.5 million deaths. Anthony Fauci was involved

One thought on “BREAKING NEWS: DARPA Unclassified documents confirm SARS-CoV-2 was created by EcoHealth Alliance at the Wuhan Institute of Virology coordinated by Peter Daszak. It was designed to be deliberately virulent and humanized resulting in 6.5 million deaths. Anthony Fauci was involved

  1. Hopefully the next “CEO”…(Criminal Executing Orders) … Gets his day on the justice sidewalk

    these fookers need to wake up to how many enemies they made by who survived this shit to see who they loved killed by it ..Aman with nothing to lose is a very dangerous person ..No blanket pardon is going to save him from being a walking target
    we own the ground, we own the tactical positions , are they / were they asking themselves if this was worth their lives ..because that’s where its at

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