4 thoughts on “BREAKING NEWS: The Lobbyists for the Cattleman and Pork Associations in Several States Have CONFIRMED They WILL Be Using mRNA Vaccines in Pigs and Cows THIS MONTH. by Tom Renz

  1. well glad I changed my diet during the psy-op

    wild game , fish i catch , and stuff i grow , and chickens we raise ..probably not enough but its a start

  2. Motherf$&kers just won’t let us live in peace and leave us the HELL ALONE!!!!

    When will this madness ever end??!!!

  3. Motherf$&kers is right!!! Insanity abounds, kaos is alive and keeps growing daily, trying their hardest to break the human spirit!!! Im fckg trying to survive and it keeps getting harder evryday as we watch them turn the screws of HELL!! SUCK MY ASS AND DIE… Hope your ok Henry , Love you Brother.

  4. I’m feeding the animals on a daily basis. Deer rabbits birds and squirrels. I feel very sorry for them … Poor animals in the chems 24/7 oh ya and just try to grow some sht outside with the X’s and O’s over the whole skies..

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