Brussels Attack Survivor: ‘I Feel Lucky’

I am not an expert but if you sustain second degree burns on your face, shouldn’t your eyebrows and eyelashes be burnt too?

Published on Mar 25, 2016 by Associated Press

Mason Wells, a 19-year-old from Utah, is expected to make a full recovery after surviving the bombing attack at the Brussels airport on Tuesday. (March 25)

5 thoughts on “Brussels Attack Survivor: ‘I Feel Lucky’

  1. He is linked to this being a false flag, i wondered how is it he is at all of the False Flags? Is this one like they are saying maybe and hes here, did he really get hurt? His comments made no sense on Jesus so makes me wonder.

  2. Convenient that his face is fully covered, concealing his visage.

    It seems like there is always some sort of “handicap” when it comes to getting the full truth out… Either you can’t get a full picture, the image on the video is blurry or very low-rez, the camera is too far away, “we can’t provide names or documents” or it’s hidden because of “national security” so all can be verified or the FBI has stolen all the videos evidence. Coinky-dink? BULLSHIT!

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