Bullard Predicts Fed Rate Increase in First Quarter of 2015

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: This is big news. If the Federal Reserve raises the interest rate you can bet the wicked ones have decided it is time to collapse the world’s economic system. The illusion of our world has been held together for the past seven years due to money printing and negative interest rates. The problem from 2008 never went away, but it has become much worse.

(Source: Breitbart) -Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis President James Bullard predicted the central bank will raise interest rates starting in the first quarter of 2015, sooner than most of his colleagues think, as unemployment falls and inflation quickens.

Asked about his forecast for the timing of the first interest-rate increase since 2006, he said: “I’ve left mine at the end of the first quarter of next year.”

“The Fed (FDTR) is closer to its goal than many people appreciate,” Bullard said today in an interview with Fox Business Network. “We’re really pretty close to normal.” – Read More –Breitbart 


One thought on “Bullard Predicts Fed Rate Increase in First Quarter of 2015

  1. Why wait until the first quarter of 2015?

    Crash the economy now so we can see politicians hanging from tree limbs.

    The sit-coms aren’t cutting the mustard as far as entertainment is concerned. Americans need some real fun, and our next bread-and-circus event is going to have to involve some real blood.

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