Shredding the Fourth Amendment in Post-Constitutional America

United States ConstitutionWorld Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: The mainstream media is reporting this. They are essentially saying, stick a fork in the United States she is done. I find them pointing out how much things have changed since 9/11 to be very timely considering we have been discussing this in the comments section of another article. This is the goal though of the children of Satan. To destroy the nation state idea. When the wars of the world spin out of control and they collapse the global economy they will present their new world order and it will be perceived to be the only option since the nation states of the world have failed, yes including the United States by their hand.

(Source: Huffington Post) – Here’s a bit of history from another America: The Bill of Rights was designed to protect the people from their government. If the First Amendment’s right to speak out publicly was the people’s wall of security, then the Fourth Amendment’s right to privacy was its buttress. It was once thought that the government should neither be able to stop citizens from speaking nor peer into their lives. Think of that as the essence of the Constitutional era that ended when those towers came down on September 11, 2001. Consider how privacy worked before 9/11 and how it works now, in Post-Constitutional America. 

The Fourth Amendment
A response to British King George’s excessive invasions of privacy in colonial America, the Fourth Amendment pulls no punches: 

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

In Post-Constitutional America, the government might as well have taken scissors to the original copy of the Constitution stored in the National Archives, then crumpled up the Fourth Amendment and tossed it in the garbage can. The NSA revelations of Edward Snowden are, in that sense, not just a shock to the conscience but to the Fourth Amendment itself: Our government spies on us. All of us. Without suspicion. Without warrants. Without probable cause. Without restraint. This would qualify as “unreasonable” in our old constitutional world, but no more. – Read More – Huffington Post

2 thoughts on “Shredding the Fourth Amendment in Post-Constitutional America

  1. Why single out the fourth amendment? They’re shredding the entire constitution, destroying our standard of living, trying to change our culture, draining our resource wealth, erasing our borders, and funding an invasion.

    Wake up people, and you better wake up angry. If you’re not ready to fight, you’re only inviting your own execution, because shredding any memory of YOU is next on the list.

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