Bump-Fire Stock Sales Are Through The Roof, Which Means Banning Them Is Pointless

Bearing Arms – by Tom Knighton

You’d think the anti-gunners would get the picture. Every time they try to ban something, they simply encourage people to buy more of them. Every. Single. Time.

This time is no different, as it seems people are buying bump-fire stocks at an unprecedented rate.  

Bump stocks are flying off the shelves online after Democrats immediately called for gun control legislation after the horrific Las Vegas Shooting Sunday.

Designed to enable a semi-automatic weapon to fire like a fully automatic weapon, bump stocks are usually available for purchase on the Internet but Walmart and Cabela’s— two of the nation’s largest gun sellers — appear to have discontinued bump stock sales early Wednesday. The website’s that have continued to sell them, are selling out of bump stocks or have already sold out, according to a report by The Trace.

“Due to extreme high demands, we are currently out of stock. Please check back with us shortly,” a message said posted on the website of Slide Fire Solutions, the manufacturer of a well-known bump stock.

Now, bear in mind that Sen. Feinstein’s bill will also make  possessing these stocks illegal. That won’t deter some gun owners, however. They’re legal now, so they’re going to buy them now. Period.

Yet this illustrates the key problem with something like a bump-stock ban. Well, one of them, anyway.

The genie is out of the bottle. No law is going to stop that. Those inclined to use bump-stocks for nefarious purposes already have them or will be receiving them shortly. There are simply too many out in the wild these days to ever get them all removed. No chance.

Further, as noted on Wednesday, bump-fire stocks aren’t even required for bump-fire. The same effect can be created using a rubber band or a belt loop. Are we going to ban those next? What about training? There are people who can replicate bump-fire just by pulling the trigger that fast…and they’re far more accurate than anyone with a bump-fire stock.

I get that people want to do something, anything, to avert another tragedy like Las Vegas, but this isn’t the way. You will never legislate away all the ways people can do horrible things to large quantities of their fellow men and woman. Never.

At this point, we still have no motive. We have no glimpse into the mind of the 64-year-old killer. We don’t know what drove a wealthy, successful man who seemed to be living the good life into that hotel room on the 32nd floor and into infamy.

We simply don’t know much of anything at this point.

And, frankly, that’s the way people like Dianne Feinstein seem to want it. With so little knowledge about motivations or anything else, all we have is the weapon, so that’s the only thing most people can direct their ire toward. It’s a ghoulish tactic that may well work, simply because there’s nothing else to lash out at.


Unfortunately, all that’s going to happen is more bump-fire stocks are going to be sold, and remarkably few people will get rid of their new purchases simply because a law gets passed. Right or wrong, that’s just how it’ll be.


18 thoughts on “Bump-Fire Stock Sales Are Through The Roof, Which Means Banning Them Is Pointless

  1. “Every time they try to ban something, they simply encourage people to buy more of them. Every. Single. Time.”

    Sorta makes ya wonder if jews are the major stockholders in those companies, don’t it.

    If they don’t own them outright, that is.

  2. “Now, bear in mind that Sen. Feinstein’s bill will also make possessing these stocks illegal.”

    Damn you Feinstein, you commie Jew b-tch.
    That’s practically a law.

  3. Banning them wont do anything. You can easily 3d Print them now and it can be done on the cheapest reprap printers on the market. The STL files are all over the interwebs, get them while you still can. Print them in ABS or PETG and it’ll hold up fine.

      1. Yep, but I don’t believe any stock should cost $300. It would be better just to find an m16 auto sear and drill that 3rd hole or Build a lightning link. If you already have a 3d printer, that would only cost you about $25 on filament to print that same stock.

          1. Exactly
            A bump stock is just window dressing
            They will soon be coming back after the famed AR15
            Mark my words

            Because it scares the F out of them
            And because armed people will not go willingly into railroad box cars

          2. “They will soon be coming back after the famed AR15”

            Absolutely unchallenged, EotS.

            THE most popular gun in the country, and likely THE most plentiful. One big plus is that most can fire 5.56 NATO rnds. as well as .223, which would make the blue hats’ mobile re-supply units much more useful, in that respect. Plus, the negligible recoil makes them ideal for women (smaller women, anyway).

            They’re # 1 on the weapons hit list, imo.

  4. Just like I learn a little more about the religion of Islam everyday since 911 and forget the bible and Christianity I was raised with , the same is now for me with guns. I learn about this part or device and rounds, barrels, magazines ,ammunition , casings etc.etc. rather than minding my own business and the ancient survival practice of farming and animal husbandry. Turning off television must be the answer to restore sanity….and yes the people in the Islamic countries have television too.

  5. Why a bump fire stock? Why not just skip the novelty accessories and convert it to select fire? The bump stock seems pointless and worthless to me.

  6. doncha just love how they want to make things illegal loooong after they are in almost everyone’s hands, and than to think that we’re all just gonna give them back or throw them away or be happy with a gift card for a store we dont shop in for 25$ to replace our hard earned money that we spent? these gutting the 2nd amendment people need to quit doing those high priced drugs and snap back into reality

    some people I know have gun collections that are worth more then the car i drive to work in , yeah like all the sudden some gov puke says you cant own those , and like we’re all going to hand over thousands to 100 of thousands of dollars worth of investments? these people are delirious

    I know of people who have collectors items of firearms worth 5, ooo$ for 1 dam gun..there aint no way these people will give up that investment or family heirloom , hell I have a 3,000$ revolver , that is going to be handed down in my family after my death , aint no one going to take it from me or my family

    theres gonna be a fight, ya dam sure best get ready for it

  7. These are very simple to manufacture if you have any experience with basic welding or know someone who does…no reason to run out and buy one..hell you can 3d print one…add spring..done

  8. Bumpfire stocks are for chumps.

    No pray and spray.
    Rifle marksmanship.
    One shot, one kill.
    Do not waste your ammo.

  9. Bumpfire stocks are for chumps.

    No pray and spray.
    Rifle marksmanship.
    Accuracy over volume fire.
    One shot, one kill.
    Do not waste your ammo.

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