CA Illegal Alien at DMV: ‘Nobody’s Passing’ Written Test

DMVBreitbart – by Tony Lee

Many illegal immigrants at a Northern California DMV reportedly were failing the written exam when applying for driver’s licenses on Friday.

Under the AB 60 law that Governor Jerry Brown (D) signed in 2013 and took effect at the start of 2015, illegal immigrants were able to apply for driver’s licenses on Friday. And nearly 1.4 illegal immigrants are expected to apply for licenses in California in the next three years.  

At a DMV in south Sacramento, Veronica Oropeza, a 28-year-old illegal immigrant who has reportedly been driving without a license for six years, reportedly failed her written exam twice.

“Nobody’s passing,” she told the Sacramento Bee in Spanish.

As the Bee noted, “those who passed the written exam were given a driver’s permit and required to return another day to take the road test.”

When Nevada allowed illegal immigrants to apply for licenses last year, 71% of illegal immigrants in the state reportedly failed the written exam in the first three days. Wanting to avoid what happened in Nevada, immigrant groups like the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) had provided free test prep classes to illegal immigrants in the final months of 2014.

Oropeza had “already spent more than three hours at the DMV,” and “she couldn’t stay to take the exam a third time, she said, because she had to get to work.”


9 thoughts on “CA Illegal Alien at DMV: ‘Nobody’s Passing’ Written Test

  1. Fret not, it shall be waived for the group that is vital to the future of America per the Øsurper agenda.

  2. BAHAHAHAHAHA! What can I say? Stupid is as stupid does.

    By the way, why do they need to read English? I thought everything was translated in Spanish these days, since Spanish has basically become our unofficial second language? Are you telling me they can’t read their own language either?

  3. Have had that problem myself. Had to take it a 2nd time. Versian is a strange language. Some what related to other Asian languages. It is hard to pass those test. But I got the job done on my 2nd try. Then the Physical was in Versian, and the road test. Then they said come back in 5 day’s for your driving permit. Took a full day that 2nd time to get done. Yes here you have to pass a physical to get or renew your permit to drive. And the book is 142 pages you need read and learn here.

  4. It ought to be IMPOSSIBLE for illegals to get a driver’s license in every way. Period. It’s bad enough this has been accepted on our part and never should have been in the first place but to allow them anything at all is beyond forgivable.

  5. I don’t mind paying for all this crap. Give them a free car as well as free insurance. No problem. I live in southern California and it absolutely insane down here. Vietnamese, Chinese, Mexican, South American, etc… name it, it’s here. Half the the stores are run by foreigners with a foreign language on the signs. It is a cancer that is out of control. We are now a nation of illegal immigrants and foreigners. WTF! How did all this happen?

  6. They can just follow the state of Maryland example. The illegals crossing from the southern border aren’t educated and can’t read Spanish so they are given the test orally.

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