‘Caged migrant children’ go viral… until picture turns out taken under Obama, not Trump


Journalists, Obama’s former speechwriter and other public figures all quietly deleted their misplaced horror at images of caged migrant children in the US when they found out the picture was taken under President Obama.

CNN journalist Hadas Gold, NYT Magazine editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein, Obama’s speechwriter Jon Favreau, Women’s March co-founder Linda Sarsour and former LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa were all caught out by a seemingly new article that featured an image of two migrant children sleeping in a cage at an ICE detention facility.  

The group, along with several others too excited to tweet their dismay to check the article’s publication date, told their ‘followers’ to look at the “disturbing” images and the immigration policy that put them there. The only problem? It was under President Obama’s watch, not Trump’s.

“This is happening right now, and the only debate that matters is how we force our government to get these kids back to their families as fast as humanly possible,” Favreau wrote in screenshots captured by Caleb Hull, senior editor of The IJR.

“Speechless. This is not who we are as a nation,” wrote former Mayor Villaraigosa.

Favreau and the rest all quietly deleted the tweets when they learned of their blunder. Gold and Silverstein acknowledged their mistake, with the latter blaming his family and the former pretending she knew it to be old footage.

“No amnesia here. Our immigration system is a disaster and was a disaster long before Trump came along,” wrote Sarsour in apparent response to the gaffe.

The photo was actually part of a story, published in 2014 by The Arizona Republic, about migrant children who enter the country illegally. The children, once apprehended by US Customs and Border Protection, were shipped to Nogales from overwhelmed processing facilities in Texas.


2 thoughts on “‘Caged migrant children’ go viral… until picture turns out taken under Obama, not Trump

  1. This is the typical liberal response to anything. Fly off the handle in a crying moan without bothering to learn the facts. They know nothing about politics or history, but they do know how to scream and cry in unison whenever someone isn’t being babysat by a government agency.

    Now…what is so bad about the conditions in that holding facility? Americans are treated much worse whenever they break the law, and for most of the wetbacks in the photos, being given three meals in that cell is an improvement over where they came from.

    “….“No amnesia here. Our immigration system is a disaster and was a disaster long before Trump came along,” …..”

    Our immigration system works just fine. 30 million wetbacks jumping the border is NOT immigration, you idiot; it’s an invasion. “Liberals” are communists, and they need to be deported right along side of the wetbacks. You’re welcome to go to Mexico with your pet wetback, and spend all your money babysitting them there, but don’t cry to do it with my money here, especially since you’d be on the phone to the police as soon as you saw one in your yuppie neighborhood.

  2. Well……
    This ought to make those Trumper puff out thier proverbial chests!
    As if one faction of judeokristchun fools are somehow more righteous than the other!

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