California Drought

United States Seasonal Drought Outlook

NOAA climate prediction center show drought getting worse over the  next couple months.

Snow pack average in central and northern sierras is about 30% what it should be at this time of year. That number has been dropping about 2% a day, and with the warmer weather, it will probably drop 3% a day. Seems by end of January, the sierras will be dry as a bone.

Ten day weather forecasts says no rain and record warm temperatures, and that it will continue thru February. So enjoy the summer in January and February it seems. Under the current conditions, creeks and streams will be dry within a month, maybe two. We are talking possible/probable dust bowl conditions.

Here is the groundwater situation: There is none:

Drought conditions are expected to improve across typically arid Southern California with forecasts of above-normal rainfall. But dry conditions in the vast majority of the state will likely remain — even intensify — through the end of April, according to the Climate Prediction Center. Despite December storms, rain has nearly halted in January, which is usually the wettest month of the year. Warmer weather has also held down the snowpack needed to feed streams and rivers.

Read more here: continuing.html#storylink=cpy

On a conspiracy note, you should search “geo-engineering and California drought”. Seems as tho California is the poster child for beginning Agenda 21, and getting people out of rural areas.

Whether it is a conspiracy or not, this is very serious.

Its possible to get some rain in March, but not likely.. This might be game over…

One thought on “California Drought

  1. “Its possible to get some rain in March, but not likely.. This might be game over…”

    That would be the plan.

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