Canada spends as much on marijuana as wine

BBC News

Canadians spent about C$6bn ($5.6bn, £3.5bn) on cannabis in 2015 – almost as much as they did on wine.

The estimate comes from Canada’s bureau of statistics, which studied marijuana consumption between 1960 and 2015.

The government has promised to research the drug’s affect on the economy and society as it ramps up its plans to legalise cannabis next summer.  

The report also found that use has gone up over the years as it has become more popular with adults.

In the 1960s and 1970s cannabis was primarily consumed by young people, according to Statistics Canada.

But in 2015, only 6% of 15-17 year olds smoked cannabis recreationally, compared to two thirds of adults over 25.

Canadians consumed about 697.5 tonnes of pot in 2015, which the report estimated to be worth between C$5.0bn to C$6.2bn

Since marijuana is not legal yet, the researchers had to estimate its market value, pegging it between C$7.14 to C$8.84 a gram.

Many Canadian provinces have discussed charging about $10 a gram for cannabis once it is legalised. The government’s plan, which has been championed by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, would legalise marijuana consumption throughout the country but leave its method of sale up to the provinces.

In November, the federal government said it planned to levy a 10% excise tax of C$1 per gram of the final retail price, whichever is higher. The provinces will take home 75% of those revenues.

Under that scheme, the government could stand to rake in almost C$700m a year, if Statistics Canada’s estimate proves correct.


3 thoughts on “Canada spends as much on marijuana as wine

  1. “Canadians consumed about 697.5 tonnes of pot in 2015, which the report estimated to be worth between C$5.0bn to C$6.2bn.”

    Forty five years ago you’d have been hard-pressed to find ANY weed in Canada. I saw very little in my time there in ’72/’73.

    Smoked the sh#t out of the good hash everywhere, though. 🙂

  2. “…But in 2015, only 6% of 15-17 year olds smoked cannabis recreationally, compared to two thirds of adults over 25….”

    How the hell can something be illegal if two-thirds (66%) of the adult population indulges in it?

    And now that the numbers are in, it’s time to legalize it because government sees a cash cow…..meaning there was no real reason for it to be illegal in the first place other than to use as a tool of tyranny.

  3. Here is why weed/pot/reefer/blunt whatyamacallit is illegal in the US and certainly always will be (in Texas anyway)–because it is more profitable for the CIA and their buddies in the DEA to sell the stuff clandestinely to whoever, then bust them, then the person(s) arrested “cop a plea”, then buy more, etc. etc. etc.–straight from a now deceased friend of mine who worked for the DEA until he could no longer stand the criminality of the DEA, and then he retired (plus the CIA wanted him to work with them on “Air America” and I don’t mean the leftist radio station either, but he refused…so he joined the DEA…) And in Texas, law enforcement makes too damned much money muling the stuff and then setting up drivers they stop for “seat belt” or “headlight out” violations—this comes from a cop I know who retired recently. And how do you think rock musicians become rock stars? By muling illegal drugs using their roadies…well that’s one reason (and I know this because some teen rock musicians I grew up with were kicked off a tour because they refused to mule drugs!). Everything I said is the truth as told to me.

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