Canada State Media Suggests Russia is Behind Truckers For Freedom Convoy – Yes, Really

Gateway Pundit – by Julian Conradson

You can’t make this stuff up.

CBC News, a Canadian state-sponsored media outlet, baselessly claimed that RUSSIA is the criminal mastermind behind the massive truckers for freedom convoy.

True North clipped the video.

CBC host Nil Koksal made the wild allegations on Friday when speaking with Canada’s Minister of Public Safety Marco Mendicino.

Despite no evidence of Russia’s involvement in the grassroots protest, Koksal claimed there “is [a] concern” that the Russians are running a nefarious secret operation to undermine Canada. Possibly, she says, because of the country’s support of Ukraine.

Koksal asked Mendicino outright about her concerns, implying that Russia may have even instigated the whole thing from the beginning.

“I do ask that because given Canada’s support of Ukraine, in this current crisis with Russia, I don’t know if it’s far fetched to ask but there is concern that Russian actors could be continuing to fuel things, as this as this protest grows, but perhaps even instigating it from from the outset.”

Mendicino seemingly dismissed her baseless allegation but did not confirm or deny – deferring rather to other Canadian officials to eventually answer the question.

Mendicino did admit, however, that the government is “watching” the protesters “very carefully.”

The spin machine is in full gear.

Again, I’m gonna defer to our partners in the public safety the of trained officials and experts in that area. What I can tell you is that we do have courses on site right now who are watching the conduct of this convoy very carefully and we’re providing direction and guidance to residents to ensure that there is a peaceful protest, but at the same time, providing direction and guidance to residents.

And obviously, it’s important that Parliament continue to function. It’s important that we provide essential services to to Canadians and those back in the area and all of that will continue on the strength of the advice that we’re getting from police and other partners in the public safety apparatus.”

Watch video True North:

The baseless claims of Russian involvement come immediately on the heels of the massive convoy’s arrival in Ottawa, where Canadian PM Justin Trudeau is headquartered.

Gateway Pundit

3 thoughts on “Canada State Media Suggests Russia is Behind Truckers For Freedom Convoy – Yes, Really

  1. Always gotta have “the other guy” in the us or them right? They love “diversity” until it comes down to controlling you & your mind for gain – then you only get a flip of the coin, an either or, an us or them, a left or right. What complete anti-human BS!

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