Caravan To Midnight – Episode 85 Dr. Jim Willie

Sent to us by Stephen

Published on Jul 2, 2014 by John B. Wells…
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Episode 85 Preview — Today we are joined by Financial Sense Market Commentator Dr. Jim Willie
as well as former Assistant Secretary of Treasury for Economic Policy Dr. Paul Craig Roberts. Economics, global developments and all points in between.

7 thoughts on “Caravan To Midnight – Episode 85 Dr. Jim Willie

  1. Hey all…Jim Willie tries to stay away from certain things, for his own reasons, but check out what he says….Den of thieves, satanists, 3 groups….1. satanic..2. bush with narcotics…and 3… those who go to the temple and dont eat pork…Come on you guys,, its a perfect way to share without getting into too much trouble..but I believe Jim Willie is the go to person….
    I sent this to FTT…and I do like FTT much, and I like all of you guys…except the atheists…sorry, but I dont like atheists…just saying for future reference..To be honest, I dont even want to get along with you for goodness sake, I think atheists are ignorant. sorry, just sharing who I am.

  2. riveros wife claims she is a Christian..but the Bible says clearly to not be unequally yoked…she is a fake 501c3 christian… yet again sorry, but I know what is goin on and I am not going to put up with it anymore, I dont care if I get kicked off of every website in the universe…

  3. Not impressed by this guy’s arguments. He presents no evidence to back up his claims. Furthermore, speakers who throw around the “Nazi” term are usually Zio-propagnda agents.

  4. Hey Ted….you should check out his history, and, I could not disagree with you more. His claims can all be verified if you do some research. I also know I say the word nazi, because that is what the u.s. is becoming, and I am not a zionist.. Are you in a cognitive dissidence stage?

  5. good response…we all know the khazar zionists control things….but, they are not that smart sometimes if you look back through history. And yes, there is a high probability the Chinese not really own the federal reserve, but they control what the federal reserve does. By buying up all the gold, and then selling their dollars. Which they are already doing…So yes, the Chinese probably do run the federal reserve in a certain way. And now that BRICS is taking off, and the petro dollar is toast, things are going to change drastically. WW3 may be soon on its way. Actually, it probably already started. Its just with finance rather than bombs

    1. I don’t pretend to know what is going on, but it stands to reason that the rats tend to leave a ship they believe is sinking. It’s smart of the Chinese to insist on trading with partners in currencies other than the USD. Regardless of who owns the Fed, it’s time to decommission it in favor of domestically produced (no interest) money/fiat currency. Thanks for posting this.

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