Charlie Daniels – Payback Time

Uploaded on Jan 30, 2009 by Martin Simon

Charlie sings about how even the President of the United States will one day stand before God and give an account of what he did in this life. I’m not trying to disrespect our current President whom I have never met and am not the judge of. But if the Holy Spirit has something to say to President Obama, then may he have ears to hear and a heart to obey, in Jesus’ name, amen.

3 thoughts on “Charlie Daniels – Payback Time

    1. That wasn’t written by me. That was sentiment of the person who uploaded the song (Martin Simon). Same with “Back From Saigon. (My Dad was drafted and served in WWII, not Vietnam.) However, I do agree 100% with the uploader’s comment in that one. 😉

  1. Yes Pay back Time. They do not deserve a coffin though. Leave the buzzards pick at them and sh+t them out as fertilizer.

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