Chemtrail Whistleblower: 90% of Chemtrails Designed to Alter Emotions/Mood/State of Mind and Provoke “Flu-like Symptoms”!

Before It’s News – by CryptoCop

The following is a blog that I stumbled on back in 2012 in which a courageous Chemtrail chemist whistleblower, known only as OP, appeared on’s blog and spilled the beans on his 17 years of developing chemicals for dispersion on the human population... 90% of which were designed to alter emotions/mood/state of mind as well as provoke “flu-like symptoms”!

Many controlled opposition talking heads try to deflect us away from this truth by insisting that we call these Aerially Dispersed Chemical (ADC) events ➛ “Geoengineering” and “Weather modification”. Although these are admittedly also a big part of the spraying agenda, the Controller’s darker and more sinister agenda is population control. This whistleblower does not hesitate to refer to these aerosols coming out of planes as CHEMTRAILS and for good reason… he spent 17 years of his life developing these Chemtrailing agents.

Is it possible that in order to increase the Covid-19 case numbers and get the population to submit to the bogus 85% false-positive PCR tests, masks, vaccines and the rest of it, that the Controllers are having us sprayed with chemical irritants from the sky in order to provoke Covid-like symptoms?

And have they rendered us chemically complacent, numb and unable to act in the face of this present danger as we breath in the daily chemical haze?

I have noticed an uptick in Chemtrail activity in our area recently as the number of symptomatic Covid cases in our area is spiking!

The following blog is broken down into the 5 days of posts OP shared with us before going silent… below is day 1.

Read the rest here:

6 thoughts on “Chemtrail Whistleblower: 90% of Chemtrails Designed to Alter Emotions/Mood/State of Mind and Provoke “Flu-like Symptoms”!

  1. ‘spilled the beans on his 17 years of developing chemicals for dispersion on the human population…’
    OP should hang for this

    ‘Is it possible that in order to increase the Covid-19 case numbers and get the population to submit to the bogus 85% false-positive PCR tests, masks, vaccines and the rest of it, that the Controllers are having us sprayed with chemical irritants from the sky in order to provoke Covid-like symptoms?’ It sure is. I have had mild flu like symptoms for the last 4 days.

    1. I was about to say the same

      If any of these fcks show themselves they should be wiped off the earth immediately
      17 dam years of being a traitor to his family , your family and mine
      And every other swingin dicks families
      Straight up premeditated murder
      All the while telling us we’re crazy for seeing what we know we see
      Death to the NWO

  2. things is if no one gets off the couch or computer chair really no one will swing. Even Biden and Hillary with all the evidence we have the fkrs will never see 1 day behind bars. But folks like you and I would be handed the book so to speak.
    It’s a big club club and you and I ain’t in it~George Carlin

    1. Do you want agreement? Ok, your right. Until then work on your center mass groups..Tell everybody dear to you how it is, and everybody around you why the Bill of Rights is the supreme law of this land.

      Many things you can do before the shit fight starts. There is a correct time and place for everything, especially this shit.

      Nobody wants to die, nobody wants to be behind bars, we choose when and where.

      Bill Gates is already a dead man walking.

      1. I wish we had a bill of rights we have shit in Canada and a fkn pansy as a leader but boy he’s got great hair and them socks ohh lala

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