Cheney: Next attack on US will be ‘something far more deadlier’ than 9/11

Former U.S. vice-president Dick Cheney (Reuters / Olivia Harris)RT

Former Vice President Dick Cheney warned that the next terrorist attack on the US will be far worse than 9/11 during a nearly two-hour interview. He also took pride in the use of waterboarding and in giving the National Security Agency free reign.

The 73-year-old sat down with neoconservative political pundit Bill Kristol on Sunday for the Weekly Standard editor’s latest installment of Conversations with Bill Kristol. The two discussed Cheney’s time as secretary of defense; the Gulf War; the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations; 9/11; and the threats we face today.  

“You’ve got to be a fool to believe isolation as a strategy is the way to go. We have no choice but to be involved in that part of the world, and if we’re not actively involved, there are some very bad things that are going to happen,” Cheney warned.

He believes that if the Iranians get nuclear weapons, it won’t be long before others in the region also have nuclear weapons, hinting that the deadly weapons could fall into the heads of the Islamic State or Syria.

Firemen continue to fight the fires that sprout up from within the rubble of the World Trade Center September 19, 2001. (Reuters / PA2 Tom)

Firemen continue to fight the fires that sprout up from within the rubble of the World Trade Center September 19, 2001. (Reuters / PA2 Tom)

“So we’re in a very dangerous period. I think it’s more threatening than the period before 9/11,” the former vice president explained. “I think 9/11 will turn out to be not nearly as bad as the next mass casualty attack against the United States, which if and when it comes will be something far more deadlier than airline tickets and box cutters.”

Doomsday predictions are nothing new for the man who served under three different presidential administrations.

“While headlines about the Islamic State terrorist group given Cheney new material to work with, he’s preached the need for American troops in the Middle East and predicted an eventual, epic U.S. attack for more than a decade,” Bloomberg Politics noted.

Even Cheney admitted to Kristol that he has often prognosticated on future threats.

“I gave an interview in the spring of ’01 where I talked about – I was asked about the biggest threat facing the country – and I talked about the possibility of a terrorist attack with terrorists using something deadlier, a weapon of mass destruction, for example,” he said. “That was in April.” When we got down to 9/11… we saw what they were able to do with that in terms of taking down the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and killing 3,000 of our people.”

This undated file photo shows Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden (C), with two unidentified associates in an undisclosed place inside Afghanistan. (AFP Photo)

This undated file photo shows Saudi dissident Osama bin Laden (C), with two unidentified associates in an undisclosed place inside Afghanistan. (AFP Photo)

The former Defense secretary and White House chief of staff was adamant that torture ‒ or, as he called it, “enhanced interrogation techniques” ‒ was necessary to gain the intelligence from the terrorists the US captured in the aftermath of 9/11.

“We didn’t know a lot about al Qaeda. We knew about the organization. We knew bin Laden,” he admitted. “But when we began to capture high-value detainees, especially in Afghanistan and people like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the mastermind of 9/11, what are you going to do, just say, ‘Please, please, pretty please, tell us what you know’? It’s not going to work. This is guy is going to die for Allah if he gets the chance and kill every American he can in the process.”

Cheney credited waterboarding and other techniques with saving American lives at home and abroad..

“[Enhanced interrogation] prevented another mass casualty attack against the United States for the next seven and a half years. And I, you know, I’m very familiar with the program, I was actively involved in helping get it started and supporting it,” he said. “And I don’t think we have any apologies to make. I think if in a similar situation today, I would do exactly the same thing.”

George W. Bush (AFP Photo / Mandel Ngan)

George W. Bush (AFP Photo / Mandel Ngan)

The second-in-command behind President George W. Bush also praised the work of the NSA with making America safer, while still protecting the civil liberties of its citizens.

“Some of the decisions we made were controversial. They are to this day. I still defend them,” he said.“Things like the terrorist surveillance program created a great flap over the NSA, and the assumption is the NSA is listening in to your phone call to Aunt Fanny. They aren’t. To my knowledge, that program has always been operated to the highest standards, very careful to protect people’s civil liberties.”

The interview ended with Cheney implying that the current presidential administration has the wrong priorities and would not be strong enough to lead the country if the far deadlier attack he predicted were to happen.

“This is not a time for us to rest on our laurels or think we can cut the defense budget and spend all that money on highways or whatever else we might want to spend it on,” he said. “We really need a strong leader, and we need somebody who can step up and remind the world what the United States is capable of and demonstrate the ability and the willingness to do that.”

10 thoughts on “Cheney: Next attack on US will be ‘something far more deadlier’ than 9/11

  1. You’re killing me Farmer… took the words right out of my mouth.

    That’s more of a threat than a warning, because it comes from someone who isn’t guessing.

  2. And of course, we all know where Dickhead Cheney was on 9-11; sitting in his office, repeating the order to allow the plane to strike the Pentagon, despite several warnings that it was approaching.

  3. dont forget netenyahoo, and juliani

    on 9/11 nutjob-yahoo was caught in he street in ny and said “it was a good thing”
    and juliani (the cleaner) trucked all the evidence away under armed guard.

    on the 7th of july in london when trains got bombed,
    nutjob-yahoo was across the street from one of the stations!!!
    he said “i was in a hotel for an international conference” and added “i was warned to stay in my hotel by” and then changed the story 3 times over who warned him!!

    juliani (the cleaner) was just outside london at the time for another “conference” about disaster recovery.

    what an amazing set of coincidences!!!!!

    i wonder if they were in spain when the spanish had some trains go boom???

  4. I discovered this years ago when I studied psychopathy along with the rest of psychology, and suddenly remembered it: psychopaths ALWAYS warn about what they are planning to do at least a few weeks in advance…same goes for that AOC report in another article. They do this because the fear these statements promote gives them a hard on, and because manipulation of us normals (their enemy) is SOP–they cannot help it! The only difference between the CPEs today and 100 years ago is that the criminal psychopathic elites today are just more brazen about it. I mean did FDR warn Americans about the Pearl Harbor false flag weeks before? I doubt it.

  5. Hear is a Doomsday predictions, after the elections and his kind take the two houses, we will have an event hell, he has had 6 or 7 years to plan a big one!!

  6. “…the former vice president explained. “I think 9/11 will turn out to be not nearly as bad as the next mass casualty attack against the United States, which if and when it comes will be something far more deadlier than airline tickets and box cutters.”

    @sswipe doesn’t even know proper English. It’s either “far more deadly”, or “far deadlier”.


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