Christian couple beaten, burned in stove for desecrating Koran in Pakistan

Reuters / Mohsin Raza ZHRT

Forty-four people have been arrested in Pakistan after an angry mob beat a Christian couple and burned their bodies in a brick-making stove for alleged blasphemy. Some reports suggest the victims were still alive when thrown into the kiln.

The killings took place in the town of Kot Radha Kishan, 60 kilometers southwest of Lahore, the capital of Punjab province, on Tuesday morning.   

“A mob attacked a Christian couple after accusing them of desecration of the holy Koran and later burned their bodies at a brick kiln where they worked,” Bin-Yameen, a local police station official, told AFP.

The police only identified the victims by their first names Shama and Shehzad, adding that they were husband and wife.

According to some Pakistani media reports, the two were still alive when they were dragged into the stove, with some reports even suggesting that the woman was pregnant.

Shama and Shehzad were allegedly held hostage since November 2 before being killed by the mob, who were armed with clubs.

“A mob of several dozen attacked the building where they were,” Sardar Mushtaq Gill, a Christian rights activist, was cited by NBC News as saying. “They broke their legs so they couldn’t run and then threw them in the fire. Only some bones and hair were found at the site.”

The killing took place in the presence of police, who were unable to stop the raging crowd, Gill added.

The Punjabi authorities launched an investigation into the crime, ordering security beefed up in the province’s Christian communities.

On Wednesday, the police detained 44 people in connection with the attack, which they described as “a local issue incited by the mullah of a local mosque.”

“No particular sectarian group or religious outfit was behind the attack,” Jawad Qamar, regional police chief, told Reuters.

Human rights watchdog Amnesty International said that those responsible for the Punjab murder“must be brought to justice,” urging Pakistani authorities to increase protection of religious minorities.

“This vicious mob killing is just the latest manifestation of the threat of vigilante violence which anyone can face in Pakistan after a blasphemy accusation – although religious minorities are disproportionately vulnerable,” said David Griffiths, Amnesty International’s deputy Asia Pacific director.

Blasphemy is considered a crime punishable by death in Pakistan, where the majority of the population is Muslim.

On many occasions, accusations have led to mob violence against the country’s Christian minority.

Even when they are brought to court, blasphemy charges can be very hard to fight because the local law doesn’t provide a clear definition of the offense.

“Whoever, with the deliberate intention of wounding the religious feelings of any person, utters any word or makes any sound in the hearing of that person or makes any gesture in the sight of that person or places any object in the sight of that person, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to one year, or with a fine, or with both,” Pakistan’s criminal code says.

Last month, a mentally ill British man who was sentenced to death for blasphemy was shot by a prison guard in his cell.

A local Christian woman, Asia Bibi, is currently awaiting execution after being found guilty of making blasphemous remarks about the Prophet Mohammed.

23 thoughts on “Christian couple beaten, burned in stove for desecrating Koran in Pakistan

  1. Ahhhh, the religion of peace showing their loving compassion again! Peaceful understanding folks they are, isn’t that right GWB? They just appear to be murdering renegades that kill at the drop of a hat or anything else!

    1. “Ahhhh, the religion of peace showing their loving compassion again!”

      Your right, cracker. Those silly ol’ Muslims should have punished the couple with the common ethical Judeo-Christian standards: using unmanned drones, armed with depleted uranium mortars. This is loving compassionate way we spread Democracy and kill entire Nations of terrorist renegades at the same time. We’re also considered “green” conservationists because we don’t waste energy using a stove.

      1. “… the common ethical Judeo-Christian standards.”

        That is an oxymoron, Inretrospect. Judaism and Christianity are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

        Another jew lie/invention. Big surprise.

        1. I am not a “staunch” Christian but I have always taken offense at combining such opposite ends of the moral spectrum. It truly is an oxymoron of epic proportions as the joos were the ones who Jesus spoke out against because of their Luciferianism was the sole motive behind their bloodlust to crucify him. No matter what anyone’s take on Jesus is, he spoke words very different and contrary to those from the angry, vengeful, human sacrificing merciless god attributed to the Israelites in the Old Testament. Clearly they were cut from different cloths.

        2. “That is an oxymoron, Inretrospect. Judaism and Christianity are at opposite ends of the spectrum.’

          Well, #1, from your perspective, Jews and Christians may be on the opposite ends of the spectrum but they have the same tendencies when it comes to spreading Democracy and fighting “alleged” terrorists through contrived false flags and unprovoked, “preemptive” military invasions.

          Judaism was around long before Christianity, and Jesus was a Jew. This is one of the main reasons I call it Judeo-Christian standards… but you can define it anyway you want.

          Furthermore — “Of the major world religions, Christianity and Judaism are likely the most similar. Christianity and Judaism both believe in one God who is almighty, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal, and infinite. Both religions believe in a God who is holy, righteous, and just, while at the same time loving, forgiving, and merciful. Christianity and Judaism share the Hebrew Scriptures (the Old Testament) as the authoritative Word of God, although Christianity includes the New Testament as well. Both Christianity and Judaism believe in the existence of heaven, the eternal dwelling place of the righteous, and hell, the eternal dwelling place of the wicked (although not all Christians and not all Jews believe in the eternity of hell). Christianity and Judaism have basically the same ethical code, commonly known today as Judeo-Christian. Both Judaism and Christianity teach that God has a special plan for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people.”

          Read more:

          BTW: I was born to a unwed Jewish Mother, I was adopted and raised as a German Lutheran, and I converted to Catholicism after marriage. I’ve inadvertently had a well-rounded exposure to 3-extremes of religion, and the ONLY thing that they have in common (IMHO) is that they all lied, and they are the major cause of turmoil in the World. Again, you can call it an oxymoron or any other catch phrase you desire. However, when I see different denominational religions ALL killing each other and innocent civilians in the name of God, I call it BLASPHEMY.

          “With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion.”
          ― Steven Weinberg

          1. Wrong on 2 counts, Inretrospect…

            # 1. “Judaism was around long before Christianity, and Jesus was a Jew.”

            I’ve commented a number of times on this subject. Jesus was NOT a jew, He came to save the jews. Jesus was a Hebrew. This is a previous comment I posted, to save me time.

            “The Hebrews were descended from Jacob (Israel), the children of the promise. The jews were descended from his brother Esau. The following is part of a comment I posted on another article:

            “Wrong again. The Germans were hated and despised by the stinking jews because the Germanic/Nordic tribes are the TRUE descendants of the Israelites. The TRUE Israelites were Hebrews, NOT JEWS. The Hebrews were descendants of Jacob, or “God’s Chosen” people, which the jews FALSELY lay claim to. The jews were descended from Esau, through his Canaanite wives. They were the Edomites (which means red, like the butchering Bolshevik JEWS – or REDS), and the Amalekites – two of the Hebrews mortal enemies. That is why the murdering scumbag jews had them massacred by the Allies (11 million German nationals starved to death under that POS Eisenhower), as well as the Bolshevik bast@rds.”

            Two separate races, Hebrews and jews.

            But the jews have been lying about that from the beginning.

            # 2. “Furthermore — “Of the major world religions, Christianity and Judaism are likely the most similar.”

            You are obviously oblivious as to the true nature of Judaism. It is a Satanic cult, as far removed from Christianity as night is from day. Judaism is based on the Talmud, THE most evil piece of trash ever written.

            Here are some choice excerpts…

            “A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old”
            (Sanhedrin 54b).
            “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing”
            (Kethuboth 11b).
            “Jesus is in hell, being boiled in “hot excrement”
            (Gittin 57a).
            “Mary, the mother of Jesus, was a whore and played the harlot with carpenters”
            (Sanhedrin, 106a, 106b
            “[Christ] practised sorcery and enticed Israel to apostacy”
            (Sanhedrin, 43a).
            “Jews must destroy the books of the Christians, i.e. the New Testament”
            (Shabbath 116a).
            “A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old”
            (Sanhedrin 54b).
            “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing”
            (Kethuboth 11b).
            “A woman who had intercourse with a beast is eligible to marry a Jewish priest. A woman who has sex with a demon is also eligible to marry a Jewish priest”
            (Yebamoth 59b).
            “All gentile children are animals”
            (Yebamoth 98a).
            “Jews may use lies (‘subterfuges’) to circumvent a Gentile”
            (Baba Kamma 113a).
            “When a Jew murders a gentile (‘Cuthean’), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep” (Sanhedrin 57a).

            In what universe does THIS equate to Christianity?

          2. Agreed #1– thanks for the correction.
            As I said before: …the ONLY thing that they (religions) have in common is that they all lied, and they are the major cause of turmoil in the World.

            Your question: “In what universe does THIS equate to Christianity?”

            Answer: The same universe that equates Christianity to the Inquisitions, the witch burning’s, and sending Christian soldiers off to war to kill Christian soldiers.

            In what universe does today’s Christianity equate to the original foundations of Christianity, let alone the teachings of Jesus?

        3. #!–Your fact is a piece of information presented as having objective reality but not necessarily the truth. I’ll have to accept what you said because I really don’t know the bonafide facts, any more than you do.

          1. If you have the time, watch this…

            Then tell me there’s no difference between the Catholic church and TRUE Christianity.

          2. I will try to find time to begin watching the video this weekend, #1. Thanks for the interesting discussion. 😉

            I have to turn in and get some rest.

          3. Sorry, Inretrospect. They’re both the same movie. Damn Wi-Fi is so slow here that when I posted the first link, it only showed up without the video box, so I grabbed a different link and added it. When I came back to it, both were up with video boxes, so I deleted one.

      2. If you read many of my post you will see that I also have things to say about this government invading and killing other citizens all over the world.I was making a statement about what happened in a specific situation and I stand by what I said. So many people out there just looking for anything to bitch about and try to turn the truth into a blur. Going out and killing others for any reason ,religion or to rape and pillage their resources will never be right but as even a fool can see that happens all the time.This country trains and creates terrorist because they are terrorist themselves! The police state in this country right now has no problem with killing their own citizens and you can rest assured that it is only going to get worse. Still some of the people still want to believe that the voting booth can fix this world wide tyranny but it never will. The vote is a mechanism to let the foolish sheep believe that they have a say when in reality the government of this country like so many others don’t care a bit about what the citizens thing about anything.

        1. cracker–I agree with everything you just wrote (@ November 7, 2014 at 2:58 pm).

          However, the statement you made yesterday: “Ahhhh, the religion of peace showing their loving compassion again! Peaceful understanding folks they are…”, seemed to be a bit hypocritical.

          I will admit that there are aspects of the Muslim culture that are barbaric; however when the USA and its democratic, righteous allies attack/kill millions of innocent people in sovereign Nations that did not provoke the need for invasion… then we (as Christians) are no better and, we are not in a position to be ‘casting the first stone’.

          This is why I posted the “Steven Weinberg” quote, because the history of religion is replete with countless instances of directing the oblivious intentions of good people, to do evil things in the name of God.

  2. “Shama and Shehzad were allegedly held hostage since November 2 before being killed by the mob, who were armed with clubs.”

    The weapon of choice for Neanderthals.

  3. The stove part kind of sells it as holohoaxianity. …familiar story line? Consider the source, people. Would a joo lie to you? RT is also a co-opted organization which has 90% truth but the end result is a walk down the road to lies.

    1. Yes, it’s so easy to program to malleable minds of the masses. “Kill the Muzzies, kill the muzzies”. This kind of behavior has been going on since well before the Crusades…both sides guilty. Amazing how many people buy into anything that triggers their drama program, especially when “religion” is the common denominator.

      This could very well be a fabricated story, but boy, look how it activates medieval thought forms from the natives.

      1. “This could very well be a fabricated story, but boy, look how it activates medieval thought forms from the natives.”

        Well stated, European American. It could be more like activating primeval fears for self-preservation — or unwitting fear of the darkness.

  4. sounds like a fake story to me for a number of reasons.
    not least the oven instead of them being stoned to death,
    and the police not being able to do anything.
    police in pakistan are very well armed, AK47’s, shotguns and the police women have MP5’s

  5. Wow, they can’t decide which way of death is the most gruesome. Beheadings, death by slow torture, drawn and quartered, burned in an oven, boiled in oil, burned at the stake, electrocution, stoned to death. Somewhere, right now, there is a conference in which the minions float around ideas of death in the most stomach churning way possible to scare the “sheeple sh!t” right out of the masses. Better stock up on Depends and laundry detergent, there’s a whole bunch more out this sh!t coming down the pipe line.

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