One thought on “Chuck Todd accidentally reveals the truth about corporate run media

  1. This was very good. It revealed much. Yet, at this time to think that this is all about profit is missing a more important point. If someone today is worth billions and billions of digets and has that buying power and clout because he or she has been allowed if not chosen to have this, the money spent by any corporation is a write off, if it was subject to taxes like we the common folk. We all know the when it comes to the owners of media and the high paid puppets with an ear piece, this isn’t about profit. It’s about propaganda/putting the lies out there. None of this is by mistake, and everything put out by them in carefully scripted. Make no mistake on this one. Yes, they steal digits from every living man woman and child every minute of every day, even while we are sleeping and heating or cooling our homes. Besides the debate of who truly owns the resources, taxes are not only extracted from the people that keep our grids going, but then, even though we the people essentially funded the highway, bridge, Nuclear Plant, All kinds of University projects across our country, then, we are taxed when we use it, touch it, etc. The original idea of hiring public servants and giving them government positions was good and reasonable until this tail/tale began to rule it’s head. Todd being prompted as he was, stupidly blurted out the obvious known to the insiders. And to us. Compared to just 10 yrs ago, a much larger percentage of the whole realize that something is wrong. And that wrong is wholly decimating our economy which realized or not is a direct attack on our economy. If we can’t work, or ‘earn’ ‘money’. We can’t eat of heat our houses. So, instead of football, many are reading and speaking and learning, growing. Any one who would help our enemies bring their plan of our demise to pass deserves what they get. They are crumbling into pieces. But they are doing their worst as they go down into hell. The true leaders are so busy partying that they have let their subordinates take charge. And from what we have seen and are witnessing media and gov’t reality has become bafoonary, the keystone cops, the 3 stooges type of preposterous, propositions. Much the same as the JFK Magic bullet theory/Pull it=bldg # 7. Be well. Me

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