Clinton Communist Ass Kissers

The Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional (English: Armed Forces of National Liberation, FALN) was a Puerto Rican clandestine paramilitary organization that, through direct action, advocated complete independence for Puerto Rico. At the time of its dissolution, the FALN was responsible for more than 120 bomb attacks on United States targets between 1974 and 1983 that killed 5 people and injured several others.[1]  

The FALN was led by Filiberto Ojeda Ríos,[2] who was one of the FBI’s most wanted criminals.[3] The group served as the predecessor of the Boricua Popular Army. Several of the organization’s members were arrested and convicted for conspiracy to commit robbery and for firearms and explosives violations. On August 11, 1999 then United States President Bill Clinton offered clemency to sixteen of the convicted militants under the condition that they renounce any kind of violent manifestation. This decision drew criticism towards the Clinton administration from figures that include the Office of the United States Attorney, the FBI, and the United States Congress.

3 thoughts on “Clinton Communist Ass Kissers

  1. “The Fuerzas Armadas de Liberación Nacional was founded in the 1960s under the leadership of Filiberto Ojeda Rios.[2] They were one of several organizations established during this decade that promoted “clandestine armed struggles” against the United States government that the movement described as the “colonial forces of the United States”


  2. And yet Leonard Peltier is still in jail. Folks here can say what they want, but I will for the most part usually stand up for the rights of Native Americans, whose land was stolen–they are the USA Palestinians. Period. end of story.

    1. Every once in a great while, I see a bumper sticker that says, “Free Leonard Peltier”. For those of you who don’t know his story, the documentary, “Incident at Oglala” is an excellent piece. Leonard will probably die in prison and it is wrong. Russell Means stated quite correctly that we American nationals are all the Indians this time around.
      I have Indian blood, but as my great grandmother hid instead of going to Oklahoma, I’ve never had any extra rights attached to it, and I need none. I guess we will either come together as one people with all having equal right to this land that gives us life, or we can just kill each other off, striving for some kind of misplaced notion of perfection.
      There were acts of theft and genocide but in the end, it was military conquest.
      We cannot have a nation within a nation. Hereditary private property for individuals might could make some things right, but collectivism and the idea of individuality cannot exist as absolutes on the same plane. One must destroy the other. We either unite as one people, take our country back, then settle all of our differences within the common law, or we will perish from this planet as a people.
      I’ve never known anything such as white privilege, in fact, I found myself, as a Caucasian, at every turn, being made second class to every minority. I say I am the f#@king Palestinian.

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