Clinton Foundation Donations Plummeted by 37 Percent

Breitbart – by Jerome Hudson

Donations to the Clinton Foundation tanked in 2015 amid allegations that Hillary Clinton used the billion-dollar charity to siphon seven-figure donations from foreign governments and corporations, who received favorable government actions while Clinton was Secretary of State.

The Clinton’s troubled charity received $108 million in donations in 2015, down from a $172 million haul in 2014, according to the organization’s tax records.  

The Clinton’s seven-figure speech income collapsed, too, from $3.6 million in 2014 to $357,500 in 2015, the New York Post reports.

Allegations of corruption at the Clinton Foundation—first reported by Breitbart News Editor-at-Large, Clinton Cash author, and Government Accountability Institute president Peter Schweizer—spurred more than a year of headlines and hard questions for Hillary Clinton and her presidential campaign.

As Clinton was set to announce her White House bid, the New York Times published a 4,000 word exposé detailing specifically how in 2010 then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton approved the sale and transfer of 20 percent of U.S. uranium output to the Russian government.

As Clinton Cash documents in great detail, Clinton’s State Department was one of eight agencies to review the deal—but Hillary Clinton was the only agency head whose family foundation received $145 million in donations from people connected to the sale, as reported by the New York Times.

The Russian uranium deal was one of many instances where money flowed into the Clinton Foundation and favorable transactions followed to the benefit of the donor.

Indeed, thanks to a trove of hacked documents, produced by the WikiLeaks probe of John Podesta’s emails, the Clinton campaign was panicking in May 2015 over the potential fallout from the allegations found in Clinton Cash.

More than a year later, the world would come to learn, as Breitbart News has reported, that the Clinton’s had for years used their global charity to grant favors for and give special access to donors.

After the devastating earthquake in Haiti in 2010, senior Clinton Foundation staffers coordinated with top Hillary Clinton State Department officials to give special treatment to people identified as “FOB” (friends of Bill Clinton) or “WJC VIPs” (William Jefferson Clinton VIPs).

For this, the former president of the Haitian Senate, Bernard Sansaricq, excoriated Hillary Clinton.

“As my people were dying, Hillary was abusing her position as Secretary of State and prioritizing access to what the State Department viewed as a ‘gold rush’ for her wealthy donors in exchange for exorbitant speaking fees and large donations to the Clinton Foundation,” Sansaricq wrote.

Indeed, Bill Clinton’s former top adviser and a senior Clinton Foundation official admitted that the former president had hundreds of conflicts of interest between his own private business and that of his family’s foundation.

To that end, the WikiLeaks email dumps also uncovered an internal review of the Clinton Foundation, ordered by Chelsea Clinton, in which auditors noted that “some interviewees reported conflicts of those raising funds or donors, some of whom may have an expectation of quid pro quo benefits in return for gifts.”

All this eventually led to calls from several establishment media outlets that the Clinton Foundation shutter its doors.

In August, Bill Clinton told a room full of the foundation’s staff that he will resign from the Clinton Foundation board if Hillary Clinton wins the White House in November. The former Presidential also said, according to CNN, that he would cease giving paid speeches.

About a week before Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election, former Assistant Director of the FBI Thomas Fuentes said, “The FBI has an intensive investigation ongoing into the Clinton Foundation.”

Before it was released last year, the New York Times bestselling investigative exposé Clinton Cash was being called the “most anticipated and feared book of a presidential cycle,” according to the New York Times.

Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter: @JeromeEHudson

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