Colony Collapse Disorder definitely GMO related and restricted to the U.S.

Jim Stone Freelance

There are lots of shill reports out there with liars saying left and right that the bee problem is worldwide. That is a LIE, a lie laid waste by simply checking the commodities index and seeing who produces what, and what producers are saying. They all know that America is toast when it comes to honey production. They all know America’s bees are dying.”

I was on the topic of honey the other day, and figured out a great way to circumvent any possible inaccuracies in the truth movement with regard to GMO’s and colony collapse disorder.  

Many have blamed the decline in bee populations on cell towers, saying that the bees get confused or agitated by the emissions cell phones and their towers produce. It would all be plausible, BUT

Cell phones are now all over the world at a very high density, and when I checked up on where the bees were dying off, it was real and ONLY IN AMERICA. Not Canada, Mexico, China, Japan, the bees are dying off in America, sometimes up to 80 percent. And they are dying far away from population centers, in the heart of the agricultural zones where cell towers would have minimum impact. I found this out by checking the commodities pricing of honey on a historic basis. China, India, Canada and Argentina are booming and seeing absolutley no bee problems. Brazil is having troubles, but this is directly attributable to a killer bee invasion, and killer bees produce very litte honey which is subsequently hard to get anyway.

If anyone uses the commodities pricing approach to finding out the truth about the bees, they will be quickly faced with the hard facts – that America has indeed become greatly diminished in the honey sector where it once dominated, and the only reason why the price of honey has remained stable is because China, Europe, India, Canada and Argentina picked up the slack and replaced America as a source because their bees are having no problems at all.

I believe that since all nations have for the most part banned the growing of GMO crops (Mexico just joined the list) all the while America is full steam ahead with GMO, and that since all nations have just as many cell phones and towers now as America does, that it is not radio emissions that are killing the bees, it is in fact GMO proteins and sugars from GMO plants that are programmed to self produce pesticides that are killing the bees. And the Monarch butterfly is doing just as badly as the bees, a butterfly which is almost completely American in origin. There has to be a reason why the bees and the Monarchs are both dying off in America, and the bees are fine everywhere else, and the reason is America specific. THAT would be GMO.

There are lots of shill reports out there with “scientists” saying left and right that the bee problem is worldwide. That is a LIE, a lie laid waste by simply checking the commodities index and seeing who produces what, and what producers are saying. They all know America is TOAST in honey production because all of America’s bees are dying while theirs are not, If you want to cut through every last lie out there with ease, just look at what the beekepers are saying. Screw the “scientists” and “biologists” and their rotten paid for conclusions.

CONGRESSIONAL RECORD: honey bees in the United States will cease to exist by 2035. Folks, this is a link to the congressional record which contains that exact quote. America is getting screwed, and someone at the top KNOWS IT.

Oh, but don’t worry. You will still get your honey, and food grown in china. If all the pollinators are dead and you can no longer grow food in America, you will be completely dependent upon a government savior you will have to serve with a smile to get through the hunger games.

5 thoughts on “Colony Collapse Disorder definitely GMO related and restricted to the U.S.

  1. Wow!
    Thank you for this great reporting!
    Refreshing truth, yet, very alarming indeed!
    Let us have hope with faith in action that this does not come to fruition.

    Much is changing and reports of truth like this, is that part of it unto all, so in strength project continually so. May we change that which must be changed; even its hope has its greater part in its changing. Therefore, thank you for being part of that hope in bringing stories of truth like this one to light the eyes of those who see and even to those who’s darkens clouds their vision, so the waters of truth cleanses their eyes as well.

    Keep shining your light in truth, for you matter much to all!
    If it’s OK, I will mirror your work?

  2. We need to be arresting these fools and putting them on A gmo diet right away. Every one of them. Top to bottom.

    But you know it will never happen. Never ever happen

  3. Obviously GMO related.

    Bummer it will be blamed on… wait, no one is even speaking about this outside of smaller media groups. how pathetic, a nation, a people, a civilization eliminated for the greed of a few men.

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