Columbus was a mass killer and father of the slave trade

Irish Central – by Owen McCormack

Christopher Columbus is a polarizing historical figure whose life has been defined, by many, for his astonishing level of courage and intestinal fortitude; nevertheless, such impressive traits should never blur the fact that he oversaw a murderous quest for material riches that resulted in the utter demise of a people. Each year, as October 12 comes and goes, a question is raised – what are we celebrating about his life?  

Christopher Columbus was an immensely talented mariner who navigated the Santa Maria and two other smaller ships across the Atlantic Ocean in search of Asia. However, he and his crew inadvertently arrived in the New World on October 12, 1492. Their long and arduous journey was driven by one clear objective – to find and establish a long-term source of wealth, preferably gold, for the King and Queen of Spain.

In return, Columbus would be allotted 10 percent of the profits, governorship over new-found land, and awarded the prestigious title of Admiral of the Ocean Sea. Upon arriving in the islands, which we now refer to as the Bahamas, Columbus and his crew first encountered the Arawaks. It was at that fateful juncture in human history that he made two keen observations regarding these indigenous people. Firstly, they were docile and trusting in nature; and, secondly, they wore gold jewelry.Columbus’s own words from his personal journal capture the ominous fate that awaited the Arawaks:

“They do not bear arms, and do not know them, for I showed them a sword, they took it by the edge and cut themselves out of ignorance. They have no iron. Their spears are made of cane. They would make fine servants. With fifty men we could subjugate them all and make them do whatever we want.”

13 thoughts on “Columbus was a mass killer and father of the slave trade

  1. BLACKS ALSO HAD SLAVES BACK THEN! and we celebrate Martin Luther Kings day!

    What kind of mindless ass clown writes this shit?

  2. Actually Columbus was a corrupt pea brain who fouled up his jobs so bad the voyage was a “win or loose, we win either way because at least we are rid of HIM” deal. There was a great documentary made about his real history and drawn from the records in Spain and the guy was almost sentenced to death because of over the top extreme corruption and causing riots… What kept saving his bacon was the fact he was and illuminatus which basically means he was a grand-poobah in the masons. He set sail with a map of the new world stolen during the crusades as well, he was no explorer, he KNEW where he was going but fouled and landed on some islands rather than the mainland. Really good documentary it was, forgot the name.

  3. Actually. the worst thing about Columbus Day is that fact that Columbus did NOT discover America. First whatever native tribes discovered it, then the Vikings in 1000 AD (Lief Erikson) who landed on Labrador off Newfoundland (it’s call that for a reason), who proceeded to try to conquer the natives there but failed; then the Chinese in 1421 (there is a video about this somewhere on YouTube) off the west coast and there is archaeological evidence for this)…Columbus “discovered” the Caribbean areas only…leave it to bogus historians and the supposedly “Christian” Vatican along with your typical royalty folks Ferdinand and Isabela who persecuted their fellow Spaniards (not to mention Jews here) just to drink, perhaps, Arawak blood? Who knows?

    But Columbus did NOT discover America!

  4. A couple last little tidbits: They were wealthy jews who financed Columbus, not Isabella and Ferdinand; and it has been speculated that Columbus the jew likely had access to “lost” maps from the library of Alexandria.

  5. Columbus was a psychopathic killer. I read an article that he had invaded an island. Demanded that these natives bring him more gold.
    When they ran out of gold to steal. He still demanded the natives to bring him more gold. They said that we don’t have anymore.
    He started cutting up all the children and babies. Left a pile of arms and babies in a pile heaped.. before he left the island.
    Columbus should be wiped out of history.
    Just another example of the kings and queens , rome and the catholic church. The spanish inquisition and crusades.
    FK Columbus and erase him from our history God!

  6. Kabbalistic Signet Indicates Columbus was an Exiled Jew

    “Columbus was a Jew named Salvador Fernando Zarco and was among those expelled from Spain in 1492, a rare triangular Kabbalistic signet indicates. Jose Rodrigues Dos Santos has authored an historical novel, Codex 632: The Secret Identity of Christopher Columbus, which relates the deciphering of a rare triangular Kabbalistic signet. ”

    And don’t forget Columbus left the same year the ‘jews’ were expelled from spain.


    1. I’ve heard the Columbus was a Jew also. It wouldn’t surprise me, since the Jews were kicked out of almost every European country for the last 1,000 years…and for good reason.

      1. Apparently, kicking them out doesn’t work. They exist in far greater numbers now and have got all of us working for them. Those of us they haven’t killed outright, that is.

        What is the “final” solution?

    1. LOL. It’s a good name? Anyways, it would behoove us to be “politically correct” and change the name of Columbus Day to Zarco Day!

  7. I really find it disgusting that we celebrate Columbus Day. He “discovered America,” as if there were no humans living here before he came to a few islands off the coast. I will celebrate it as Native American day from now on to honor my American Indian friends and their ancestors. Columbus Day was unofficially celebrated in a number of cities and states as early as the 18th century but did not become a federal holiday until the 1937. It obviously was created by people that looked at the American Indian as a “savage,” and less that human. Most probably started by joos to honor their joo boy.

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