Common Core and Agenda 21

Agenda 21 News – by Canada Free Press

Bill Gates, the United Nations, and the Obama admin­is­tra­tion have been try­ing with all they’re worth to nation­al­ize, along the lines of United Nations Glob­al­iza­tion stan­dards of edu­ca­tion under the guise of Com­mon Core. Many of the major schemes dri­ving these very deeply dis­turb­ing “stan­dards” was over­looked. It’s noted, offi­cial UNdoc­u­ments and state­ments by top admin­is­tra­tion offi­cials expose plans to indoc­tri­nate Amer­i­can chil­dren, and stu­dents around the world, into cookie-cutter repli­cants as “global cit­i­zens” ready for the “sus­tain­able new world order”.  

Over the past decades UN and world lead­ers boasted openly of the need to trans­form world-wide asso­ci­a­tions cre­at­ing a top-down, delib­er­ate, and restricted soci­ety com­pletely at odds with national sov­er­eignty, indi­vid­ual lib­erty, Judeo-Christian val­ues, and West­ern tra­di­tions. Much of this is devel­oped from a pro­gram known as Agenda 21.

Con­gress never approved Agenda 21, although Pres­i­dents Obama, Clin­ton and George H.W. Bush have all signed Exec­u­tive Orders imple­ment­ing it. 178 other world lead­ers agreed to it in 1992 at the Rio Summit.

Agenda 21 is a major com­po­nent of UN pol­icy devel­op­ment involv­ing “sus­tain­abil­ity” and is designed to insin­u­ate itself into almost every facet of life from “sus­tain­able energy” to “sus­tain­able hous­ing and com­mu­nity devel­op­ment” and plan­ning through “sus­tain­able edu­ca­tional goals and advance­ments in edu­ca­tion”. The world pop­u­la­tion must be inured to accept this “vision” through the birth of new forms of learn­ing.UNESCO calls it “Edu­ca­tion for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment.”

UNESCO, The United Nations Edu­ca­tional, Sci­en­tific and Cul­tural Orga­ni­za­tion declares its pur­pose is to con­tribute to peace and secu­rity by pro­mot­ing inter­na­tional col­lab­o­ra­tion through edu­ca­tion, sci­ence, and cul­ture in order to fur­ther uni­ver­sal respect for jus­tice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fun­da­men­tal free­dom pro­claimed in the United Nations Char­ter. It is the heir of the League of Nations’ Inter­na­tional Com­mit­tee on Intel­lec­tual Coop­er­a­tion.
UNESCO has 195 mem­ber states and nine asso­ciate mem­bers.  (Wikipedia 2014)

UNESCO actu­ally boasts of its plans. “The UN Decade of Edu­ca­tion for Sus­tain­able Devel­op­ment (2005–2014) seeks to mobi­lize the edu­ca­tional resources of the world to help cre­ate a more sus­tain­able future,” the UN out­fit explains. “Many paths to sus­tain­abil­ity … exist and are men­tioned in the 40 chap­ters of Agenda 21, the offi­cial doc­u­ment of the 1992 Earth Sum­mit. Edu­ca­tion is one of these paths. Edu­ca­tion alone can­not achieve a more sus­tain­able future; how­ever, with­out edu­ca­tion and learn­ing for sus­tain­able devel­op­ment, we will not be able to reach that goal.”…/17930–common-core-and-un-agenda-21

UNESCO under the head­ing: Edu­ca­tion for All Move­ment said:

“The Edu­ca­tion for All (EFA) move­ment is a global com­mit­ment to pro­vide qual­ity basic edu­ca­tion for all chil­dren, youth and adults. At the World Edu­ca­tion Forum (Dakar, 2000), 164 gov­ern­ments pledged to achieve EFA and iden­ti­fiedsix goals to be met by 2015. Gov­ern­ments, devel­op­ment agen­cies, civil soci­ety and the pri­vate sec­tor are work­ing together to reach the EFA goals. (There are a 193 nations in the UN.)

The Dakar Frame­work for Action man­dated UNESCO to coor­di­nate these part­ners, in coop­er­a­tion with the four other con­venors of the Dakar Forum (UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF and the World Bank). As the lead­ing agency, UNESCOfocuses its activ­i­ties on five key areas: pol­icy dia­logue, mon­i­tor­ing, advo­cacy, mobi­liza­tion of fund­ing and capac­ity devel­op­ment.  In order to sus­tain the polit­i­cal com­mit­ment to EFA and accel­er­ate progress towards the 2015 tar­gets,UNESCO has estab­lished sev­eral coor­di­na­tion mech­a­nisms man­aged byUNESCO’s EFA Global Part­ner­ships team. Fol­low­ing a major review of EFA coor­di­na­tion in 2010–2011, UNESCO reformed the global EFA coor­di­na­tion archi­tec­ture.” 

As is noted above Con­gress never approved Agenda 21, although Pres­i­dents Obama, Clin­ton and George H.W. Bush have all signed Exec­u­tive Orders imple­ment­ing it. 178 other world lead­ers agreed to it in 1992 at the Rio Sum­mit. Now the most junior of the polit­i­cal dynas­tic out­house it appears to have become, Jeb Bush, is cham­pi­oning the cause of Com­mon Core. Jeb Bush has been par­tic­u­larly dis­mis­sive and insult­ing to any­body issues a protest he’s been paid over $5MILLION dol­lars to rep­re­sent is pos­si­bly stand­ing on the perime­ter of malfea­sance as a pub­lic entity and poten­tial can­di­date for the presidency.

In Com­mon Core: Edu­ca­tion With­out Representation-Does U.N.‘s Agenda 21 Edu­ca­tion Man­date Push Com­mon Core in USA? Chris­tel Swasey asked:

  • Since when do nations col­lec­tively finance global education?
  • Since when has the whole world agreed on what should be taught to the whole world?
  • Since when is the United States of Amer­ica reduced to “account­able stake­holder” sta­tus over its own edu­ca­tional and finan­cial deci­sion making?

It hap­pened in 2008 when Barack Obama com­mit­ted the United States by Exec­u­tive Order to cre­ate a Global Fund for Edu­ca­tion to which Hilary Clin­ton whole­heart­edly agreed. There was no vote by Con­gress on this matter.

The main argu­ment used by peo­ple like Obama, the Bush Fam­ily and the Clinton’s is that Com­mon Core is a state level pro­gram put together to acquire bet­ter test scores in align­ment with other stu­dents around the world. They say it’s pri­vately funded. They say it will work. All are false.

The National Governor’s Asso­ci­a­tion by a heav­ily plu­ral­ity of the vote agreed to spon­sor and work with Com­mon Core because they were told it would be con­trol­lable by local school boards. But, this same orga­ni­za­tion holds one-half of the copy­right to Com­mon Core and its direc­tives. That pro­vides a strong induce­ment to see that spe­cific books and cur­ric­ula are cho­sen to bet­ter finance the oper­a­tions of the par­ent orga­ni­za­tion (NGA) as opposed to teach­ing the stu­dents more efficiently.

Now we see more and more states want­ing to opt out because les­son plans pro­vided by Com­mon Core respon­sive text­book sup­pli­ers and pub­lish­ers were seri­ously flawed and in many cases illog­i­cal in the texts and cur­ric­ula sup­ported. In other words the cur­ric­ula makes NO sense and con­fuses chil­dren more than it helps. Like­wise, par­ents and teach­ers are mys­ti­fied as well.

Under the UNESCO ban­ner there are six goals under the title of “Edu­ca­tion for all”. These are sup­posed to be agreed upon inter­na­tion­ally. But I agree with Swasey in her asser­tion the goals of the United Nations are anti­thet­i­cal to those of the United States and its sov­er­eignty. These goals indi­cate a desire and drive to homog­e­nize and pas­teur­ize the human race to assure the sus­tain­abil­ity of peace, jus­tice and mi madre’s arroz con polo. In order to develop this homo­gene­ity we’d have to men­tally, morally and eth­i­cally ster­il­ize all peo­ple so as to have them held in bondage under a ONEWORLD ORDER, One world gov­ern­ment and one-world constitution.

Swasey again notes: “So Agenda 21 is a com­pre­hen­sive plan of action to be taken by every­one. We all appar­ently have been signed up to agree, whether we agree or not. I’m already get­ting the com­mu­nist creeps.”

As Big Busi­ness has injected itself into the mix and made con­trol of edu­ca­tional devel­op­ment a’ la Com­mon Core a profit based pro­gram of unknown wealth and profit poten­tial, we must hold sus­pect any politi­cian enter­ing the field to play the game. Politi­cians live on con­tri­bu­tions. Bill Gates has given more than $25 Mil­lion dol­lars to the National Governor’s Asso­ci­a­tion and the Coun­cil of Chief State School Offi­cers since 2009. This “invest­ment” in the youth of Amer­ica and their future pro­duc­tiv­ity must be viewed with a jaun­diced eye because the ink on Mega-bucks isn’t col­or­fast. It pol­lutes ideals and shades ethics Imme­di­ately on con­tact. Remem­ber: Jeb Bush has already been bought and paid for like a wild west hooker to the tune of over $5 Mil­lion Dol­lars, so any­thing he says has to be lis­tened to with his employ­ment mak­ing him suspect.

Thanks for listening

5 thoughts on “Common Core and Agenda 21

  1. Oh stop the “Judeo-Christian” crapola! As a believer in Jesus Christ I am offended by being linked to the anti-Christ Talmudic “Judeo” evil, okay! Go write for WorldNetDaily will you?

    Having said that, I agree with you about Common Core and Agenda 21.

    1. LOL 😆

      I just KNEW someone would say something about that, DL. Figured it would likely be you.

      Don’t think it escaped my attention. 😉

      1. Glad to oblige, Number 1…I am really sick and tired of Christianity, organized religion or not, being associated with “Judeo” anything, Talmudic or not. If someone is Jewish, fine, but (as someone who once wanted to convert to Judaism because most of my friends were Jewish…teenage years) I want NOTHING to do with Judaism and the evil Satanic Talmud!!! Who was the ONLY group of people Jesus ever denounced? Talmudic Pharisees, priests, and scribes! I stand with Christ here!

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