Companies Crushed With Heavy Demand For Gun Magazines From California

Ammoland – by John Crump

U.S.A. –-( Since Friday’s landmark court decision that legalized magazines holding more than ten rounds in California buyers have been going crazy with purchases.

Most online retailers have resumed the sales of magazines of all sizes to the people of the Golden State. Rainier Arms has seen a significant uptick in traffic with most sales being for the Magpul Gen2 30 round magazine. This increase in internet transactions has even crashed Rainier Arms payment processing server. 

“We received such an overwhelming surge of sales over the weekend, it actually crashed our merchant services, the website was fine, but our payment services were so overwhelmed it crashed,” said Aristotle Bartolome of Rainier Arms. “With that said, we closed out a very strong weekend, and even with the chaos, we’re currently 48 hours behind on getting all of the weekend orders caught up and adjusting staffing to better support our customers getting their orders quicker.”

Rainier Arms isn’t alone in their increase in sales. Brownells is also reporting an increase in magazines sales to California. They are seeing residents “stocking up” on AR15 magazines as well. Brownells is one of the largest gun retailers on the web.

California residents are in a rush to buy up magazines before the state can appeal U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez’s decision to the Ninth Circuit Court. The judge’s decision stunned the California Attorney General and the gun community as well. It went further than either side anticipated.

One California resident, Adelaide Golden, told me that she thinks that all gun owners in the state need to take advantage of the opportunity to purchase standard compacity magazines while they are shipping to the state.

“In a national and local environment that is increasingly hostile to responsible gun owners, it’s important to take advantage of opportunities that present,” Golden said. “With the overturn of unconstitutional limits on magazine sizes, I, as a California resident, can finally have standard size magazines that can make a small difference at the range and a huge difference if I’m ever forced to defend myself or my home.”

Some gun owners were worried that the price of magazines would increase with the potential run on the product. Primarily this increase in price hasn’t happened. In fact, a lot of websites are running deals for California residents. Companies are there to make a profit, but it seems like a lot of companies are taking this opportunity to spread the message of liberty.

Brownells is trying to flood California with AR15 magazines. The firearms retailer is currently selling 10 packs of 30 round Magpul GEN2 magazines for $99.99 which saves the residents $30.

Elite Tactical Components are also helping out the people of the state but are focusing on the AK market. That site is selling blem 30 round XTech MAG47 magazines for only $10. The deal is just for residents of California.

In a statement released to AmmoLand Elite Tactical Components said: “Elite Tactical Components is excited to do our part in getting standard capacity freedom into the hands of Californians!”

Other websites have followed suit by offering California specific deals, but as soon as the sales go live, the companies sell out of their stock of gun magazines.

Natchez Shooters Supplies sold out of a lot of magazines due to the increase in sales from California. When the ruling came down, they put together an email to send out to their customers. Business was so brisk for the company that they had to redesign the email due to selling out of a lot of their magazine products that were going to be featured in the email.

There is no telling how many magazines retailers have shipped to California since the judge lifted the ban on the sale of standard capacity magazines. One sure thing is that residents of the state are taking advantage of the new ability to defend themselves by buying 10+ round magazines at a record pace.

About John Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. He is the former CEO of Veritas Firearms, LLC and is the co-host of The Patriot News Podcast which can be found at John has written extensively on the patriot movement including 3%’ers, Oath Keepers, and Militias. In addition to the Patriot movement, John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and is currently working on a book on leftist deplatforming methodsand can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, on Facebook at realjohncrump, or at

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6 thoughts on “Companies Crushed With Heavy Demand For Gun Magazines From California

  1. The Second Amendment is alive and well !!! Thank God for the wisdom of The Founding Father’s !!!

  2. I smell table scraps or setup waiting in the wings. ..

    Decades of treason are NOT erased by the stroke of a pen by a “judge” so easily after it was constructed by the cabal for exactly the opposite of freedom.

    Call me a cynic, or anything else you’d like, but there’s ulterior motives in this.

    B.S. is my call on these shenanigans.

    1. “Call me a cynic, or anything else you’d like, but there’s ulterior motives in this.”

      I am motivated to share your cynicism. By issuing this ruling, the left has deviously elevated the topic of magazine capacity limits to a higher profile, which gives the anti-2nd Amendment schemers a wider platform upon which they can start churning out endless streams of hysterical articles, anti-semi auto pistol and rifle TV documentaries, and grease the skids for the hard core radical left to craft more legislation that would impose gun bans, magazine capacity restrictions, and gun registration demands.

      Their strategy might be – to say, okay. If we can’t ban these standard capacity magazines, then at least we should force anyone who owns them or a weapon that can utilize them to register their weapons and state how many of these magazines they own with the Government. They could sneak in some fine print that tries to restrict HOW many 30 rd or 15 + rd magazines are allowed to be owned simultaneously by a single gun owner.

      Or, worse still – this ruling might be timed to correspond to another false flag massacre that the Communist left is already planning and which they will make sure is pinned on a patsy who uses a AR-15 that has dozens of 30 rd mags involved.

      The comical thing about this whole obsession that the left has for the AR-15, and for the puny .223 caliber bullet that it normally is configured to use – is that, back in Vietnam, when the first M-16s were issued to the troops, there were all kinds of complaints from the combat troops that the .223 bullet was such a wimpy bullet that it was easily deflected by hitting a blade of grass. The vets at the time had gotten used to the M-1 Garand and M-14, which used the .30-06 and .308 heavier bullets and so, they were complaining that they had been forced to switch to an inferior weapon. The military experts at the time, defended this switch by pointing out that the .223 bullet caliber was designed to wound rather than deliver a devastating kill shot – and wounded soldiers required other soldiers to tend to them, which was a strategic way to decrease the efficiency of your enemy.

      1. My sentiments EXACTLY, Cody. If I had a chicken dinner prepared, it would be delivered to you. Their 1/10 of a step back is to garner them 10 forward, with the right propaganda.

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