Cop Who Gave Homeless Man a Sh*t Sandwich, Fired AGAIN for 2nd Poop Prank

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

San Antonio, TX — In November, the Free Thought Project brought you the disgusting story of a San Antonio cop defecating on a piece of bread and giving it to a homeless man as food. For making a literal sh*t sandwich, San Antonio police officer Matthew Lockhurst was fired. However, the Free Thought Project has just learned that Lockhurst was involved in yet another feces related ‘prank’ — after the sh*t sandwich.

“It was a disgusting, vile act — that, there is no excuse; there is no explaining it; there is no justification,” San Antonio Police Chief William McManus told KOMO News after the termination of an officer for, quite literally, giving a homeless man a sh*t sandwich.  

“It’s a disgrace to the department, it’s a disgrace to the badge,” McManus continued.

In May, Officer Matthew Luckhurst inexplicably thought it would be humorous to place feces in between two slices of bread and offer it to a likely-starving homeless person in a styrofoam takeout box, and then boast of this ‘prank’ to his partner.

His partner, however, didn’t share the sentiment — and the pair of cops returned to the scene, where Luckhurst ostensibly disposed of the sickening, cruel offering.

Only a month after being caught in this sick and twisted ‘prank’ on an innocent homeless man — before he was fired — Lockhurst pulled another sh*t prank.  This time, his sh*tty shenanigans would be on his fellow cops.

Luckhurst and a second officer, Steve Albart, carried out the incident together in June after a female officer asked that the women’s restroom at a bike-patrol office remain clean, KSAT-TV reports.

To get back at the officer for asking that the women’s bathroom remain clean, Albart and Lockhurst then defecated in the toilet and then Lockhurst smeared a feces-like substance all over the seat.

For not flushing the toilet, Albart was suspended for 30 days, which he’s already served.

You cannot make this up.

Apparently, Lockhurst’s infatuation with sh*tty ‘pranks’ was so strong that he was unable to control himself — even after it threatened his job when he was caught the first time.

Naturally, Lockhurst’s attorney, Ben Sifuentes, said Luckhurst had only been joking about the poop sandwich and is fighting the suspensions claiming that the allegations are unfounded. This is, quite laughably, in spite of the fact that Lockhurst himself admitted to the prank in November.

“This has taught me to stop acting childish and making stupid baseless jokes,” Luckhurst wrote in a statement to investigators. “I need to stop the pranks and juvenile jokes to get arise (sic) or reaction from fellow officers and friends.”

SAPD cops have a terrible track record when it comes to corruption and abuse.

Previously, the Free Thought Project brought you the story of SAPD officer Serena Botello whose GPS was also used to show her negligence, exposing the fact that she had refused to do her job, not once, not 5 times, not 15 times, but 23 times in just a two-month period.

One of these 23 incidents was even caught on Botello’s dashcam as well. She was seen driving away from a shooting in which she could have possibly saved the victim’s life.

Also, a former SAPD officer was sentenced to 18 months in jail for gruesomely stabbing and shooting his family’s dog.

Also, it was the SAPD who brutally beat a 16-year-old boy because they smelled marijuana.

Yet again, it was 2 SAPD officers who brutally beat a 70-year-old man because they thought he was drunk. He was actually having a diabetic attack.

These are just the tip of the iceberg. For a full rap sheet on SAPD corruption, you can visit this link, here.


17 thoughts on “Cop Who Gave Homeless Man a Sh*t Sandwich, Fired AGAIN for 2nd Poop Prank

    1. Meaning that there are those that SHOULD have one???


  1. Where do they find these people they pin badges on? Oh, that’s right, at the Police Academy. How many IQ Test have shown that those with no talent for trade skills, mental midgets are the typical recruit of police. No, we aren’t losing any brainiacs to the Police Academy. Sociopaths run amok, they would all be good torturers as sick and twisted as they are.

    “Hello miss, I need to see your license and your titties!” “Titties first!” It makes a guy feel good about his daughter taking the car. Not!

    1. For cops the (hired) bar is set low. Those that make it above the bar are not hired. Objectivity is not a trait the brass want in their thugs cops.

      This was common with most cop houses throughout the US. Likely it is still widely in use.

    2. only retards and fools are cops and politicians………. its their only means of not starving……. RIGHT REPRESENTATIVE MIKE ROGERS???????

  2. “It was a disgusting, vile act — that, there is no excuse; there is no explaining it; there is no justification,”

    No excuse/justification whatsoever.

    It CAN be explained, however. It’s no accident we call them pigs.

    However, in the interest of fairness… real oinkers have FAR more class AND intelligence than the scumbag troglodyte ICM enforcers EVER could.

  3. Kinda funny that “cop” is smack dab in the center of “fecophilia”.

    Sick pigs have done far worse to disgrace the s**t covered badge.

  4. Have you ever wanted to tell a cop to “eat sh*t and die”? They certainly have fed me enough sh*t sandwiches in my lifetime. “A pig is a pig is a pig” as Digger used to say.

    A guy I know, this was 30 years ago, OK, a friend of mine dropped his drawers on Main street and took a dump. When the cops showed up he picked his turd up and smacked it on the side of the police cruiser. Before the cops got the cuffs on him he had wiped the sh*t off his hands onto the police uniforms. It was F’N hilarious! The legend of Danny Tom lives on and he gets out and raises hell once in a while yet to this day.

      1. You KNOW they shared laughs over that one, Paul. 😀 😉 😆
        Thanks for sharing that story with us, Millard. 😆

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