Three private companies, Armatix Smart System, iGun Technology and Kodiak Intelligun have already developed “smart gun” technology using RFID sensors and biometric sensors.
So why would the feds, spend two decades and millions of dollars trying to develop “smart guns”?
The answer is both predictable and disturbing.
A National Institute of Justice (NIJ) report, noted that the Department of Justice (DOJ) has used $12.6 million in taxpayer money to develop ‘smart gun’ technology. Most of the funding—approximately $11.1 million—was provided by NIJ itself and the Bureau of Justice Assistance. Fyi, the Feds have been working on ‘smart gun’ technology for over two decades (see page 5).
It seems, the Feds have forgotten about ‘Fast & Furious‘ which also used RFID sensors in a failed attempt to disrupt drug cartels. RFID tags implanted into guns killed hundreds of innocent Mexicans.
Whistleblowers and investigators confirmed, that the ATF made no effort to trace the guns once they arrived in Mexico. (Click here to find out more about ‘Fast & Furious’.)
Predictably, the Feds use American’s fear of gun violence as the main reason they’re developing ‘smart guns’. If you believe the hyperbole, the only way the government can stop gun violence, is by forcing gun manufacturer’s to make nothing but ‘smart guns’.
The Feds, use scare tactics to convince Americans, there’s an epidemic of stolen law enforcement weapons.
What everyone should be asking is, if cops are ‘held to a higher standard‘ then why don’t they track stolen weapons?
The Feds, also claim there’s an epidemic of police family members accidently killing each other.
It’s 2016 soon to be 2017 and we still have no idea how many cops kill innocent Americans each year. And we have no idea, how many stolen police guns there are or how “many accidental deaths” are caused by officer’s own guns?
Feds, admit “smart gun” technology is a failure
Hackers could disable ‘smart gun’ technology
Imagine, how many lives would be saved, if someone could disable cops guns so they’d stop killing Americans with impunity. Police in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Norway, Iceland and New Zealand don’t carry weapons so why not here?
DHS & Police to force manufacturer’s to make ‘smart guns’
DHS is behind ‘smart gun’ technology
Perhaps the most disturbing thing about ‘smart guns’ is finding out who’s behind it. According to page 12 of the report, DHS and the DOJ have already determined what ‘smart gun’ requirements will be used.
Still think ‘smart guns’ are fiction and are years away from happening?
Please, read the NIJ’s ‘smart gun’ plan titled “Baseline Specifications for Law Enforcement Service Pistols with Security Technology.” And check out, the DHS/DOJ list of over ONE HUNRED ‘smart gun’ technology patents they want implemented!
- Imagine a future, where American’s right to bear arms is controlled by DHS.
Imagine a future, where DHS controls weapons purchases and development.
Imagine a future, where Americans will only be allowed to purchase DHS approved ‘smart guns’.
That’s our future, if we allow the Feds (DHS) to control guns.
Smart phones. ..
Smart guns….
Smart appliances. …
Sounds dangerous. .
Just like…
Smart People…
Hey let’s work on developing that resource.
I think it’s untapped.
“It’s 2016 soon to be 2017 and we still have no idea how many cops kill innocent Americans each year. And we have no idea, how many stolen police guns there are or how “many accidental deaths” are caused by officer’s own guns?”
They can dolly my corpse into a gun shop but it still ain’t me buying one.
“Shall not be infringed” means just that, but you know damn well those order-following “oathkeepers” will be even happier to press the boot to face if it’s done in the name of protecting their gang.
And they use OUR ZOLLARS to create and this bs on top of it all.
anything made by man, can be undone by man
not getting any of mine that arnt “smart” so .. good luck there
People who buy “SMART” guns are STUPID!
Remember: In a Commie world, SMART equals STUPID.