Cops fire 600 rounds at bank robbers & kill only their hostage

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Police officers in the City of Stockton, California says its officers are not to blame for firing over 600 rounds into a disabled SUV, hitting an innocent hostage more than 10 times.

It all happened after armed bank robbery suspects took off in the SUV with a hostage. The police knew this much, but it didn’t cause them a moment’s pause when they unloaded magazine after magazine full of rounds into the vehicle, suspects and hostage.  

Now, the family of Misty Holt-Singh, the hostage who was riddled with bullets, is considering filing suit against the City of Stockton and the Stockton Police Department for how they handled the July 17th robbery and high speed chase.

They have four more months to decide, but attorney Gregory Benthly says that they are “forcing the Singhs’ hand.” Bentley indicated that a claim would be filed, but he did not specify when.

“The city has refused to accept responsibility for its actions,” Bentley explained in a statement. “Stockton police officers fired over 600 bullets at a disabled vehicle with full knowledge that Misty was inside… of the bullets that struck Misty, every single one was fired from a member of the Stockton police.”

An investigation into the massive police shooting revealed that 34 police officers shot at the suspects and hostage, violating “numerous standard police protocols in their response,” Bentley explained. Officers are instructed to engage the robbers after they leave the bank, rather than while the robbery is in progress.

Kelly Huber, an employee at the bank, added that even the hostage-taking was a result of police negligence. Officers were not prepared to contain the robbers when they interrupted the robbery.

Huber was shot in both legs during the police interruption of the robbery-in-progress. She is seeking damages for these injuries and a broken bone.

Watch the video report below…

4 thoughts on “Cops fire 600 rounds at bank robbers & kill only their hostage

  1. 600 bullets and they only hit the hostage? And the officers are not to blame?

    That would be funny if it didn’t actually happen.

  2. well when someone takes out the ones who issued 600 rounds they can “refuse to take responsibility” too.

    i can smell the revolution. the stink of a rotten corps known as USCorp is growing and becoming more foul every day. I think everyone smells it, some just think its normal.

  3. Oh man, can the police in this country get anymore pathetic and insane? I’m sorry, but I’m drinking a beer and have almost spit it out just reading the title of this article.

    What in the hell is wrong with this world?

    My condolences to the family of the hostage but to the police officers, I don’t know what to say. Can we just end this insanity now, get this revolution started and hang these cop bastards for murder?

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