Cops on a Rampage, Looking for Suspects, Raid Innocent Man’s Home and Kill Him

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Morgantown, VA —  David Michael Romanoski, 48, of Morgantown was shot and killed earlier this month by police after they broke into his house in search of two robbery suspects.

Romanoski was not the suspect and was innocent.  

david-romanoskiTen deputies arrived at the home, where Isaac Barker and Justin Knisell were believed to be living and instead found Romanoski. When deputies, some of whom were in plain clothes, entered the room where Romanoski was, one of them fired 7 rounds into him. He was then transported to the hospital where he died.

Immediately after killing this innocent man, police quickly attempted to justify the shooting by claiming to have found a handgun – as if owning a handgun is deserving of a death sentence.

The Monongalia County Sheriff’s department was given body cameras earlier in the year, which could’ve shown the confrontation which led to the murder of Romanoski. However, the deputies chose to stop using them.

“The reason they weren’t wearing body cameras is because the ones we had originally purchased, we found out after they were purchased that they are virtually useless in low light or darkness,” Sheriff Al Kisner said, adding that the cameras also had a very short battery life.

David was a graduate of Morgantown High School and Miami University and an upstanding member of the community. In addition to his parents, he is survived by his fiancée, Karen Tackett.

After her fiancée was murdered by police, Tackett told the Dominion post that Romanoski was unarmed and did not deserve to be killed.

The death of Romanoski highlights the disastrous problem of violent and incompetent police in America and sadly no one cares. Because this man was murdered by public servants ‘just doing their jobs,’ the overwhelming majority of Americans will consider his death collateral damage in the officer’s ‘heroic’ duty of providing security.

6 thoughts on “Cops on a Rampage, Looking for Suspects, Raid Innocent Man’s Home and Kill Him

  1. Another officially sanctioned murder. Unfortunately, given past precedence, no one will be held accountable. It is time to greet all intruders with “guns hot’.

  2. Your home is your castle. Guard it with your life. Nobody has any authority to enter your home ever, so kill them when they do, especially if they think they have some kind of fake communist jurisdiction. Too much of a liability to let these welfare collectors onto your property or to even pull over for them anymore. Shoot first out of fear for your own life! That seems to work out for them all the time,

  3. They should change their motto from “to protect and serve” to the more accurately descriptive “killing everyone in our path”.

  4. “When deputies, some of whom were in plain clothes, entered the room where Romanoski was, one of them fired 7 rounds into him.”

    So, who’s next on the gestapo hit list?!? If these psychopaths are just going to bust into peoples’ houses and open fire, we the people are more than justified to light these bastards up the moment they enter!

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