Cops Respond to Fake 911 Call & Kill Innocent Grandpa In His Own Home

Free Thought Project – by Rachel Blevins

Rossville, GA – A family is heartbroken after their grandfather was shot and killed in his own home by police officers who arrived at the house in the middle of the night, and opened fire 30 seconds after they claim that they saw him in the kitchen with a firearm.

Video has yet to be released and details are still emerging from the Jan. 1 shooting that killed Mark Steven Parkinson, 65. Police have admitted that the beloved grandfather was not the target of the alleged welfare check that was being carried out by the sheriff’s deputies who knocked on his front door.  

The deputies were initially dispatched after police received an anonymous 911 call around 3 a.m. that requested a welfare check at the residence. A report from the Walker County Messenger claimed that during the call, “information was provided that stated a female at the residence was threatening to kill herself and her children.”

The call did not originate from the Parkinson residence. 

Greg Ramey, a special agent for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI), told WTVC News that the 911 call “did not come from the house itself.” He also confirmed that “there was nothing going on at the residence to substantiate these claims, however, and the threats weren’t true.

At the time, the deputies arrived at the house knowing that they were being dispatched based on a tip from an anonymous caller who was not at the residence, therefore they were unsure of what kind of scene they would find.

Ramey told the Walker County Messenger that as soon as sheriff’s deputies arrived at the house, they began knocking on the door and they “announced their arrival.” Instead of finding a suicidal woman, Deputy John Chandler claimed that he “observed Parkinson within the residence with a weapon.

Ramey said that Parkinson was seen “in the kitchen, near a counter, and pointing a gun through a kitchen window at the deputy outside of the house,” claiming that the homeowner was aware someone was outside of his home.

It should be noted that this encounter occurred around 3:15 a.m. If Parkinson was awoken in the middle of the night by a loud banging at his door, it is likely that he grabbed his firearm, went to his kitchen, and looked out of the window, in order to see who was outside of his house, attempting to get inside.

GBI Special Agent Ramey claimed that as soon as Deputy Chandler saw Parkinson, he waited “15-30 seconds” before he fired multiple shots, killing the homeowner. The current information that has been made public does not clarify whether the deputies had entered the home and were in the same room as Parkinson when Chandler opened fire, or whether Chandler shot through the kitchen window.

Ramey also confirmed that other members of the residence were “awake during the shooting and in relatively close proximity to the kitchen area where Parkinson was shot.” Given the fact that officers were reportedly called to the scene because a suicidal mother was threatening to kill herself and her children, it is absolutely barbaric that an officer would open fire at a target inside the residence, knowing that he could be putting the lives of two young children at risk.

Ashley Bryan, a family friend, told WRCBTV that she believes it was a fake 911 call from someone outside the home” that led officers to the residenceShe also said that she believes Parkinson, a Navy veteran, had his firearm because he would have protected his family from intruders at all costs.

“He might have been asleep when they said ‘Walker County Sheriff’s Office,’” Bryan said. “Now that you are awake, do you really hear that with the dogs going crazy? I do not know. According to his wife, he never saw it coming.”

The GBI is now investigating the shooting, but it has not released the identity of the 911 caller or a possible malicious motive, other than to say “there is a connection to the house and family where the incident happened.”

This shooting comes days after an innocent man was shot and killed by police in Wichita, Kansas, as he stood in the front doorway of his home. The 911 call claimed that there was an ongoing hostage situation at the residence following a homicide. However, the call was made by a disgruntled gamer in a different state, and the man who was killed had nothing to do with the Call of Duty game in which his address was publicized.

Now, another family has lost a loved one in a senseless act of violence that occurred as a result of police officers who failed to verify an anonymous 911 call from a separate location and instead used false information as an excuse to kill an innocent grandpa.

Free Thought Project

15 thoughts on “Cops Respond to Fake 911 Call & Kill Innocent Grandpa In His Own Home

  1. It’s unacceptable (and unbelievable ) that police operators don’t have caller I.D., or otherwise can’t distinguish a real call from a fake one. If you dial 9-1-1 from a phone booth and then hang up, the cops will arrive to find out who made the call….but we’re supposed to believe that they have no idea who makes the fake 9-1-1 calls that get people killed.

    I really think they’re just trying to get us used to the idea that they can raid any home they like, and shoot anyone who doesn’t immediately bow in submission to their “authority”.

    They want you to know that they’ll be arriving anytime, and anywhere they choose to, forcing their way into any home they want to, and shooting anyone they don’t like.

    That’s the message they’re sending with these recent events, which are happening with increasing frequency, and they WANT you to find out about.

    1. Yep. If you dial 911, dispatch already has your location and will re dial you back if you hung up accidentally. This “re dial you back” scenario happened to me the other day at my place of work when I had to call for a customer in need of urgent medical care and I accidentally hung up before finishing the details. So the fact that they can’t analyze this is bullshit and is just an excuse for them to justify bashing down your door.

      1. Virtually everyone knows that, NC. I don’t know why it’s never outed when they make that bullsh#t claim.

        There’s a scene in my favorite movie ‘Shooter’ where the girl calls 911 and hangs up. They call her back in less than 15 seconds.

  2. It’s terrible that Americans are putting up with this crap from pigs and continue to worship everything that perpetuates it, unfortunately.

    His hero chump campaigned for more “law and order” and he got it. I wonder if his family still wants more? One serving per family should be enough, but we are not dealing with mensa material here.

  3. You know , one of these days
    Someone is going to set up a SWAT team for execution
    The pigs are so dam dumb that all someone has to do is call them into their own designed choke point and mow them down like the noxious weeds they are
    They are always eger to come on a call without even researching that the call is legit or even the right address
    Too excited about the opportunity to gun someone down or stomp on their rights that they don’t even see the set up

    1. A good old fashioned murder-hole, manned by a squad of American Nationals getting the drop on these commie right arm faggots would bring a smile to my face!

  4. “… it has not released the identity of the 911 caller or a possible malicious motive, other than to say “there is a connection to the house and family where the incident happened.”


    It’s called SWATTING, you moron.

  5. What is wrong with being in the kitchen with a firearm? They are legal in any part of your home. That is not an excuse to kill someone.

    1. Pigs don’t care WHERE they see a weapon, they piss their pants any time they see ANYTHING even remotely resembling a gun (wallet, cell phone, Pop Tart, etc.).

      Since the courts are nothing more than Admiralty/Maritime facades, they have been given the green light to make use of those jackboots freely.

      Wanna see where they’re REALLY going to f%&k up?

      We’re gonna get more than a FEW dead pigs outta this one, imo.

  6. Everyone of those cops should be tried for murder. Maybe someone should tell the police there’s this thing called knocking on the door or at least try calling the resident. So if they see someone holding a gun in their own house that gives them the right to execute them….. No wonder most people hate the gang in blue

  7. Only in a police state are the lives of the police more important than the lives of the citizens. That is because in a police state the police are not there to protect the citizens, they are there to protect the state. The transformation of our police into a quasi military force who’s lives come before those of the people is a big red flag. It is those that would control us and already do working around posse comitatus. The sad part is that there are so many willing to don the garb of a soldier, kill their own people, and essentially occupy their own homeland. That an innocent person answering their own door can be executed like this with no accountability and not so much as an apology or an admission of wrong doing is another big red flag. It means this wasn’t a mistake. This was the new business as usual in what used to be but is no longer the land of the free. This is working as intended and you, me, or any of your loved ones are just acceptable losses and even perhaps a wanted warning to those who would question or resist what this country is becoming. We can still fix it… the polling booth,(im joking voting doesnt change shit , but we do know what does) but that option won’t last much longer. It may not exist even now. These SWAT teams were originally formed to counter heavily armed criminals in specific situations. They are trained to kill. They do not de-escalate. They come in with overwhelming force and steamroll anything in their way, be it man, woman, or child sleeping in a crib. They are the hammer and everything is a nail to them. They are essentially death squads and they are now being sent every day to family homes in America. The land of the free has lost its way.

    1. Police are not for the protection of citizens. Citizens are subjects and the police are there to control and punish them.
      As for their steamrollers, they are few, and when this swarm is unleashed on them, they will run from their steamrollers, like the Russians ran from their tanks when the hoards swarmed them.
      And here is the good news, we are not citizens, we are heavily armed nationals.

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