Country Star Receives Death Threats After Bagging MASSIVE Trophy… With A Bow

Country Star Receives Death Threats After Bagging MASSIVE Trophy… With A BowMad World News – by Sean Brown

We all know them too well — the anti-hunting crowd. They’re loud, vocal, and love to wish death upon those who are actually helping to preserve the environment through controlling animal populations.

Recently, country music star Luke Bryant bagged a massive buck, then posted the picture to Facebook on the Buck Commander page, which features Willie Robertson, Jason Aldean, Bryant, and several other big names. While Bryant received plenty of praise for his beautiful prize, the trolls were out in force to voice their unwanted opinions.  

“The Deer should be standing over you, saying First One Of The Season. It’s Murder any way you look at it. He don’t look like he was starving to me. Actually looked very healthy, until you cut his life short. Shame on you for Gloating,” one user wrote.

Another user commented, “Morons What gives a mere man the right to destroy a magnificent animal. Leave them be. Get a Job. Doing Something to save nature. And preserve it. Not destroy it. You cretin.”

Of course, no hunting picture would be complete without the people who relate it to the farm and have no clue what they’re saying.

“People who are complaining about people voicing their opinions against hunting need to understand a couple of things. The meat that we get in the grocery store does not come from the wild, these animals are raised either to tend to the land, or for sustenance purposes. A good percentage of the people parading animal carcasses, hunt in controlled areas, and not for survival. If you are trying to justify this picture by saying that people everywhere eat meat, then you’re absolutely ignorant. If you’re hunting solely for survival purposes, show respect to the main factor that allows you to sustain life.”

And finally, an anti-hunting outrage wouldn’t be complete without the death threats. It’s amazing to me how some people value animal life over human life, and fail to grasp the simple concept that hunting is a form of conservation.

“One day we’ll get lucky and it wont be against the law to do this to people that do this to animals. I long to live in a world like that. Then what would you all say? Its inhumane? Go f*#k yourselves.”

The only positive thing I have to say about the anti-hunting crowd is at least they’re consistent.

What would you tell them if you had the chance?

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