Court Rules Undercover Videos of Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Body Parts as Authentic (Evidence of Criminal Behavior)

Break the Matrix

The court ruling refutes Planned Parenthood’s own talking points about how the CMP videos were “highly edited.”

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the state of Texas can strip taxpayer subsidies from Planned Parenthood, primarily based on evidence found in undercover videos of the abortion provider’s involvement in harvesting and selling aborted baby body parts for profit.  

The undercover videos in question were first released in 2015 by David Daleiden, founder and project lead at the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), and scrutinized by Planned Parenthood and members of the media as “deceptively edited.”

“Planned Parenthood for years has been smearing us trying to say the videos were not accurate or somehow misleading,” Daleiden said in an interview with Federalist contributor DC McAllister. “The Fifth Circuit explicitly found in their ruling last night that the Center for Medical Progress’ videos are authentic…and could be relied upon by Texas and by others as the regulatory and other enforcement proceedings.”

WATCH: David Daleiden gives the situation report and informs us the videos are evidence of criminal activity on the part of Planned Parenthood.

One thought on “Court Rules Undercover Videos of Planned Parenthood Selling Baby Body Parts as Authentic (Evidence of Criminal Behavior)

  1. So now what? Planned Parenthood should be shut down but won’t…..those involved should be charged, tried and jailed but most likely won’t….

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